One of the features that everyone in the office knew we wanted in our GOHUNT Maps mapping platform from the beginning was a way to organize our content. There is nothing more frustrating than knowing you have a certain waypoint associated with a particular hunt only to not be able to find it within a giant list of disorganized content.
Collections are our way for you to organize your content. You can have as many as you need or desire. You can name them what you want. You can add any of the content that you create to them: waypoints, lines, tracks, polygons, etc. You can even add the same waypoint to multiple collections if you need to. They are there to allow you to organize your content the way that you want and allow you to make them as general or as specific as you want. There is even a section for you to make notes about that collection.
I personally tend to get pretty specific with my collections and break them down into specific hunts. For example, I have a collection built for a 2020 Colorado archery deer hunt. It has everything from water sources to trails — even some bucks that I found on a recent scouting trip.
Collections are simple to create. There is more than one way to create them. Under the “Saved” section there is a tab for Collections. Below that is a “+ Create” button. Simply click on that button to create a new collection. If you have some waypoint, lines or other content already created, you can click on those and select the “Add to Collection” button. If you want to create a new one from there, just start typing in the search field; the “Create New” button will turn orange. Select it.
Collections are your research mapping content organizational dream. They will make your research and planning process that much better and more efficient.
Have you ever looked at your maps with a bunch of waypoints all in one cluster and thought, “Is there a way for me to select all of these?” Now there is. We wondered the same thing, which is why we knew that we needed to have a tool that would allow you to select multiple items and edit or delete them.
In the top left corner of our mapping platform is a button with an arrow similar to most mouse cursors. Click that button and you can now select any amount of content you have displayed on your maps by clicking and dragging the box around that content.
This function allows you to add an entire day’s worth of research into a Collection incredibly quickly. I was recently on a scouting trip and dropped waypoints and tracks the entire weekend. Back at work on Monday morning, I could select all of that content was selected and drop it into its own Collection — simple as that. Say that you let your three-year-old play with your mapping application on your phone for what seemed like only seconds and you now need to delete 74 new waypoints that he magically created. You are now praising this function.
This is only one of the many simple, but super-useful tools and functions that we have added to your mapping experience.
Check out both of these great features next time you are on GOHUNT Maps.
If you’re an INSIDER, GOHUNT Maps is included in your membership at no additional cost. If you aren’t a member, you can try it FREE for seven days. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and we'll be happy to explain in further detail.