How to look up your Wyoming preference points

A step-by-step approach to viewing your preference point totals in Wyoming to help in your hunting research and planning efforts

Brady Miller
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How to look up your Wyoming preference points

How to easily look up your Wyoming preference point totals

Wyoming makes it really easy to find your preference point totals and is one of the few states that can take you to your preference points page with a link.

Looking up your points is very important before each state's application season. It's also vital to look up your points, and update your point totals in your Point Tracker section of GOHUNT Insider. This way, when researching using Filtering or Draw Odds on Insider on the web or mobile app, all of your points will automatically transfer over to those tools, meaning you can get right to researching for hunting opportunities.

GOHUNT's Point Tracker

At GOHUNT, we know keeping track of your points in one central place is vitally important. We have a feature called Point Tracker that allows you to enter the number of points you have for each state and species. Then, as you research through Filtering and Draw Odds, your point total will automatically be highlighted and used to find your odds of drawing.

How to look up how many Wyoming preference points you have

If you want to save some steps, click the button below to go directly to your Wyoming Game and Fish Department's (WGFD) hunting dashboard account. It will take you directly to your Wyoming account dashboard page (once you click the button below, proceed to Step 5 in this article).

Step 1 - Access the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's homepage

You can also start by navigating to the WGFD’s homepage and then click on "Sign In" in the upper right corner of the screen.

Wyoming Game and Fish Department homepage to login to view preference point totals

Step 2 - Enter your username and password

Login to your Wyoming account to view your hunting preference points

Now, enter in your username and password, and then click on "SIGN IN."

Step 3 - Verify the information is correct

Verify Wyoming account information is correct

Verify all your information is correct.

Continue to login to Wyoming account

Then click on "CONTINUE" at the bottom.

Step 4 - Access your account dashboard once logged in

Click on your name to access Wyoming account dashboard

You'll be taken back to the WGFD's homepage. Click on your name in the upper left portion of the screen to access your account dashboard.

Step 5 - View your Wyoming preference point totals

Wyoming account dashboard showing your hunting preference point totals

You'll now be on your Wyoming Game and Fish Department's dashboard account. Click on the "PREFERENCE POINTS" tab, and you'll see all of your Wyoming preference points.

Don't forget to update these points in your Point Tracker account on Insider.

Want to check out your bonus or preference points in other states?

If you want to look up points in other states, be sure to check out the main directory article below:

Wyoming preference point purchase

If you want to purchase Wyoming preference points, check out the article below:

This article was originally published on January 30, 2020, and has been updated with new screenshots and information.

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