Check out the 2016 Rock Creek Fire burn in the east
Hunt the snow line
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This is a large National Forest unit with just a tad of private, mainly in the north above Timothy Meadow and between Longmire Meadow and Kaner Flat. The border runs a ridgeline from Blowout Mountain on the northern tip, down past Naches Pass, Arch Rock to Yakima Peak along the Mount Rainier National Park. From there, the boundary follows the American, Bumping and Naches Rivers to the southernmost tip. The eastern and northeastern border winds its way along a number flats and ridgelines. There is a large portion of roadless between Crow Creek Lake, Little Crow Basin, Lake Basin and Fifes Peak, however, this is also where the very large 2017 Norse Peak Wildfire burned. Elk and deer both are scattered and can be anywhere within this unit.
The best hunting typically happens in the late seasons after significant snowfalls in the high country.
The terrain in this unit consists of mid-altitude rolling mountains covered heavily in old-growth conifer forests laced with creeks. A large burn from 2017 will make great browse for both deer and elk and will be a great place to start hunting, however, this is in the more rugged, roadless region of the GMU.
Conifer forests of ponderosa pine, douglas fir, grand fir, and larch follow the drainages. There are also old growth forests throughout the unit, except for in the west where the large 2017 fire burned. Saddles and meadows offer open grasslands that the game feed on at night.
This unit holds quite a bit of public land with a bunch of Jeep trails. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has completed a four-year project to secure wildlife habitat and public access in the southern point. There is a large roadless area in the west that was significantly burned in 2017 which is a great place for backpack and pack string hunters to start hunting.
Primitive camping is allowed for the majority of the year, however, various fire bans and forest road closures may be in effect, so double check any restrictions or permits necessary prior to your trip. If you are more interested in a bed and a shower and staying closer to gas stations, restaurants, and a grocery store, your best options will be in Ellensburg or Selah, both of which are well outside the unit.
Roughly 241 square miles
89% public land
Elevations range from 2,200– 6,600 feet
Easy access equals hunting pressure, hike away from roads
Hunt the roadless to get away from hunting pressure