Be aware that black bears are often active into November
Visit the White River Museum in Meeker
The White River is famous for rainbow and brown trout fishing
Be prepared for blizzard
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This unit is found on the western side of the state and lies on the southeastern side of the town of Meeker. This area has a decent distribution of public lands but many of the areas that hold game during the later seasons is private. Good numbers of game animals can be found but hunters may find that the hurdle of public access is their biggest enemy during the hunt.
A healthy elk herd, increasing numbers of mature bucks and a few antelope on private land make this unit attractive to many hunters. Access into huntable locations can be tough during the later seasons, however.
This unit is east of Meeker, extending into the White River National Forest in the northeast into a larger part of the forest to the southeast. Within about 15 miles of town almost all land is private. About three dozen parcels of BLM are in the area, but most are surrounded by private property. Near Meeker are rolling agricultural lands, pastures, sagebrush hillsides, the White River, numerous creek bottoms and eroded gulches. Gradually steepening foothills climb to 10,000-foot mountains with alpine basins, steep slopes, deep drainages, broad mesas, numerous gulches and benches dropping off long ridges.
Pinyon/juniper woodlands, sagebrush, bitterbrush, grasses grow at low elevations. Cottonwoods and willows line creeks. Middle-elevation terrain has oakbrush, mountain mahogany, ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, Engelmann spruce, blue spruce, stands of aspen and grassy parks. Mountain bark beetles have killed a lot of lodgepole pines in the White River National Forest. Be cautious of falling trees in wind and sometimes in good weather.
Road access is good off Forest Service Roads 5, 8, 15, 17, 30 and 230 (Ute Stock Driveway). Oak Ridge State Wildlife Area, which is about five miles south of Meeker, is divided into three hunting units that total 13,600 acres: Oak Ridge, Lake Avery and Bel-Aire. Part of the Jensen State Wildlife Area is in Unit 23. You can reach it by driving northeast of Meeker on Highway 13 for about nine miles.
Hunters may camp almost anywhere in White River National Forest and on BLM land. Camping is permitted at designated areas in Oak Ridge and Jensen wildlife areas. A lot of businesses in Meeker cater to hunters, including motels, restaurants and RV parks.
Roughly 422 square miles
44.6% public land
Elevations from 6,220-10,097 feet
The Bel-Aire Unit is of Oak Ridge State Wildlife Area is open to bowhunting only
Four-wheel-drive vehicles are necessary on many back roads
Snow is often on roads above 9,000 feet in late October and November seasons
Elk Mountain Inn has extended stay rates
Blue Spruce Inn is the newest motel in town
Rustic Lodge is hunter-friendly
Gary’s Steak House and Meeker Cafe are local favorites