GOHUNT Insider Promo Code

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Insider Gear Shop Promo code

Use promo code HUNT50 and you will receive a $50 gift card good for any item in the GOHUNT Gear Shop. A portion of every Insider subscription is put towards conservation efforts across the West. If you are unfamiliar with Insider, learn more here.

Three Easy Steps to Get a $50 GOHUNT Gift Card:

50 Dollar GOHUNT Gift Card

After you sign up, you will receive an email from us within three business days letting you know that your points are now in your account. The points can be used on anything in the GOHUNT Gear Shop. It’s that simple.

Filtering 2.0

Filtering 2.0 puts you in total control. With customizable filters, cut through millions of data points in an instant—to find trophy units and opportunity hunts that fit exactly what you’re looking for. It’s one of the most exciting benefits of being a GOHUNT Insider.

Here are the simple steps we followed in this real example:

  1. Navigate to Filtering 2.0 -> Idaho -> Elk. 98 units

  2. Under Season, select “Early Rifle (Over the Counter)”. 29 results

  3. Filter Trophy Potential to 310 inches or better. 8 results

  4. Sort by Male-to-Female Ratio. 2 results are tied for the highest ratio (44:100)

  5. Compare the percentage of 6-point bulls harvested. 1 result wins (33% vs. 22%)

Learn more about Insider here

Have questions? Please feel free to email Insider@gohunt.com anytime.

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