Don't give up after opening day, hunting pressure drops off
Game is easily pressured and can move many miles overnight
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This large unit is located just to the west of Yakima and related urban sprawl, including significant agricultural land. The majority of public land consists of the Ahtanum State Forest in the western third of the GMU. There is a bit of public/private checkerboarded in the middle, south of the Oak Creek Wildlife Area, and a touch of BLM closer to urban sprawl. Yakama Nation Reservation runs along the entire southern border with Devil’s Ridge, Tieton, and Naches Rivers along the other borders. There are small populations of resident big game, however, with ever increasing developments access is getting more limited every season. Within Ahtanum State Forest there is a vast network of trails making it difficult to get away from hunting pressure.
There is one elk winter feeding site with zero access.
There is a highly broken conifer forest in the western tip that follows several drainages east where it then turns into open rangeland and rolling hills. The lower, flatter eastern portion has all been plowed or developed, except for one steep 2,700-ft ridgeline above the 1,900-ft valley below.
Broken conifer forests quickly transition to an open rangeland full of sagebrush, buckbrush, and bunch grass. The low drainages are dotted with a few trees and offer the thickest habitat for bedding spots and good winter browse. The city of Yakima, smaller neighboring towns, and significant irrigated farms for a variety of table vegetables and orchards are all located along the rivers.
The only large, continuous block of public land is out west in the National Forest; however, edges are broken with private and there is a bit of landlocked private within, a GPS is very important when hunting these areas.
Primitive camping is allowed in the National Forest for the majority of the year, however, various fire bans and forest road closures may happen, so double check any restrictions or permits necessary prior to your trip. If you are more interested in a bed and a shower and staying closer to gas stations, restaurants, and a grocery store, your best options will be Yakima and surrounding towns.
Roughly 358 square miles
38% public land
Elevations range from 1,800– 6,000 feet
Private land access is becoming more limited as human development encroaches from the east