This area is dominated by private property. Spend some time in the area well before hunting season so you have plenty of time to request permission
The rivers in this area all provide excellent habitat and are surrounded by farmland that moose feed on = This would be a good place to focus your efforts
GOHUNT maps is essential if you're hunting public access
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
In the far northeastern portion of the state, Unit M5 comprises primarily private farm land across the entire unit. However, there are some public access areas scattered throughout the unit that will provide the public access hunter with moose hunting opportunities. Regardless of the species you are hunting, you should not leave the shotgun at home when you visit this unit, as it provides excellent opportunities for both ducks and geese.
Unit M5 boasts numerous public-access opportunities to harvest a moose. Utilizing GOHUNT maps to find landowners with nuisance moose is a good approach and most landowners will often allow access on private property.
This unit is made up of mostly flat agricultural land. However, the Red River Of The North does run along the eastern border, and the Middle Branch Of The Forest River cuts through the center, and with that comes trees and breaks in the land. Most of the habitat is wetlands, meaning plenty of food for moose. And while the area isn’t heavily forested, you will find a few deciduous trees scattered about.
The agriculture in this region can consist of corn, soybeans and sugar beets, all of which have ample calories and are excellent moose feed. Along the Red River of The North and the Middle Branch Of The Forest River, you will find trees and shrubs, with the trees being largely deciduous. This type of vegetation makes for excellent moose habitat and would be a smart place to focus your attention.
There are plenty of public roads getting you close to the State Trust Lands and other public hunting grounds. There are some unpaved roads in this unit, but rest assured, there are a lot of good gravel roads. Interstate 29 runs north and south along the east side of the unit and makes it easy to access from top to bottom while Highway 2 and Road 17 form the unit’s south and north boundaries and provide access to secondary roads. All in all, this unit is easy to access and doesn’t require high levels of fitness to hunt. Most of the public access areas are small. That said, if you’re looking for a DIY opportunity in this area, you should spend time in the southeast corner of the unit. The Prairie Chicken WMA northwest of Grand Forks is the largest piece of public access in the unit. Without a doubt, your odds of success in Unit M5 are improved if you’re able to secure permission on private property.
If you are someone who enjoys creature comforts, then check out Grand Forks in the southeast corner. Grand Forks offers almost any sort of lodging a person could want, from simple and cheap to higher end. If you would like to stay further north in the Unit, Grafton also offers plenty of choices for lodging. If primitive camping is more your speed, most of the wildlife management areas in North Dakota allow camping, but be sure to check each one’s specific regulations as they can vary.