- Indian Hot Springs Resort
- Fly fish Clear Creek for rainbows
- Jackson Monument
- Underhill Museum
species | general Size | trophy potential |
Mule Deer | 140"-160" | 170"+ |
Elk | 260"-300" | 300"+ |
South of Interstate 70 between El Rancho and Eisenhower Tunnel is a complex array of public and private land. Mount Evans Wilderness is the centerpiece. Healthy herds of elk and deer call it home, along with a small population of moose.
West of Colorado Route 74 foothills reach 9,000 feet. The elevation continues to climb upwards until the 14,262 foot summit of Mount Evans. The Continental Divide is a few miles west with a number of fourteeners. Steep canyons, deep gulches, alpine basins, open parks and numerous drainages make up a very mountainous landscape.
Alpine tundra consists of lichens, mosses, wildflowers and barren ground willow. North facing slopes have Engelmann spruce and Douglas fir. Open parks are covered with grasses and surrounded by stands of aspens, lodge pole pine and Blue spruce. Lower elevations consist of mountain mahogany, oak brush, ponderosa pine, areas of pinion/juniper, sagebrush, cottonwood and willows.
Roughly 369 square miles
68.8% public land
Elevations from 7,200-14,270 feet
Arapaho National Forest has many improved and dispersed camping areas. Please refer to the link for detailed information on the many camping locations. Urad Lake camping is restricted to areas near establish fire rings.
Idaho Springs along Interstate 70 provides motels, café, restaurants, gas, diesel and limited medical care. World famous, at least in skiers minds, is the Buffalo Restaurant and Bar.
State Wildlife Areas (SWA):
Bergen Peak SWA 1,109 acres can be reach north of Evergreen on Colorado Route 73 connecting to Route 103 go 5.9 miles west to Stinton Road head 2,.2 miles east. Deer and elk are present; access by foot or horseback, no camping or fires.
Mount Evans SWA 3,398 acres located off Evergreen Parkway to Colorado Route 74 to Upper Bear Creek Road, turn right, go 6.5 miles west, turn right onto County Road 480 go 3 miles to designated parking area, access is by foot, deer and elk.
Georgetown SWA 670 acres deer are present. Interstate 70 exit 228 turn north on 15th street. Bakerville 398 acres off Interstate 70 at Bakerville Exit parking is 1.5 miles east.
Urad Lake 240 acres located off U. S.40 left on Jones Pass Road to Woods Creek Road turn left, go 3.5 miles to parking area allows access to Arapaho National Forest for elk and deer. Parking restricted to designated areas and access by foot or horseback.
Mount Evans Wilderness 74,400 acres is the highest paved road in North America, Mount Evans Scenic Byway (a fee area), is the only road to access the heart of this territory. Mount Evans Wilderness is located west of Denver, Colorado, south of I-70 and north of Highway 285. Please refer to the USDA site for use details.
Hunters using Highway 5 near Mt. Evans need to be aware there is no hunting within a ½ mile of either side of CO 5 above the junction with CO 103.