Nationally known for whitetails along the Arkansas River the unit also has many mule deer and antelope bucks. 98 % of the land is private and gaining access is very difficult. Hunters that want to hunt private land will need to work with landowners or outfitters that have access to private land.
Trophy class mule deer and whitetails are taken each fall.
A vast area of gently rolling prairie grasslands in the northern portion contrasts sharply with deep canyons and broad mesas in the south. Arkansas River and John Martin Reservoir are along the northern edge. Rule, Mud, Dry and Caddoa Creeks drain north into the Arkansas River.
An area of shortgrass prairie with limited areas of sand sage and sagebrush, cottonwoods, Russian olive, Russian thistle, yucca, prickly cactus, dry land and center pivot irrigated farms. Some areas of Conservation Reserve program lands have blue grama and buffalo grasses.
State land: Keller Lease, 1,520 acres is reached off of Colorado Route 101 three miles south of Las Animas to County Road DD. Go east to Cty Rd. 13 to Cty Rd. EE then N on Cty Rd. 13.5 for .5 miles connecting to Cty Rd. FF.5 for seven miles. Deer and antelope. John Martin Reservoir (SWA) provides units 125, 126, 146 with a total of 19,471 acres and is located off Cty Rd. 24 east of Las Animas on U.S. Highway 50. Deer, pheasant and quail.
Highways that provide good access to county and secondary roads are U.S. Highway 50, 287 and Colorado Route 101.
John Martin Reservoir call park for details. Camping, boating and warm water fishing. The communities of La Junta, Las Animas and Lamar offer a wide variety of motels, restaurants, medical facilities, gas and diesel.