Region X can be found in northern Wyoming near Cody. Most of Region X has lower mountains, large valleys, ridges and irrigated agriculture lands. Good public access can be found on BLM property with good numbers of mule deer and a limited number of whitetail deer available.
The majority of Region X is made up of long ridges covered in rock and sagebrush. Low reaching mountains are scattered with irrigated agriculture fields along the rivers and creeks near towns. Heart Mountain in Area 121 is the highest point at roughly 8,000 feet and has limited timbered highlands. Aside from the mountains north and west of Cody, nearly all of Region X is lowcountry.
There is good public access on BLM property across nearly all of the hunt areas. Limited state and forest service land is also accessible here. Private property will limit access where agriculture properties can be found near the river bottoms, as well as several ranches in the area.
Mule deer can be found across the region in all types of habitat. Sagebrush draws and flats usually hold deer, especially when an agricultural food source is nearby. The mountains in the northwestern part of the region are the only high country available. Expect hot weather if you are hunting with an early season archery stamp. Private land access where there is irrigated agriculture can improve hunting. Mature bucks are typically 140-160” with a chance for better. Bucks will begin to rut during the November rifle season.
Whitetail deer are limited across Region X. Disease in recent years has decreased the numbers. The whitetail can be found along river and creek bottoms and typically associated with agriculture. Whitetail bucks will become aggressive during the November rifle season as the rut behavior increases. Mature bucks can score up to 130” Boone and Crockett.