Region Q isn't really known for big mule deer, but they can be found in all parts of all units. This region will have hunters in shortgrass prairie and sagebrush flats. This region a little more open to nonresidents as it is very limited in wilderness areas.
The terrain is in the plains and desert regions with a lot of rolling hills and canyons. Small peaks are found throughout some spots, with rocky outcrops that deer like to bed in during the hot parts of the day.
There is a limited number of nonresident permits issued for this region. Large trophy mule deer can be spotted in units all over the region. The sagebrush covered hills and ridges can help with glassing.
Whitetail hunting is the best in the later parts of the rifle season. During the archery and rifle season, the best tactics can be to look for traveled trails near the river and creek bottoms and along the edges of irrigated fields