If you didn’t draw a general deer or elk tag in Montana and are looking for another option to hunt this state in 2022, then the Alternate List is your last hope!
Just like in previous years, it seems Montana applications were again on the rise in 2022.
Each year, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks receives a number of unused nonresident combination licenses (big game combination, general elk and general deer) that are returned. Montana then offers up a chance at these returned licenses through their Alternate List.
You can select your choice of different nonresident combination licenses (big game combination, general elk or general deer). Note: you can only select one license option for the Alternate List. Then, once the list is randomized and if a license becomes available, the hunter at the top of the list will be contacted to finalize the purchase of the license.
So... if you didn't draw a general tag in the main draw or are now looking to hunt Montana, this Alternate List is going to be your second chance to hunt deer or elk in Montana for this 2022 season.
For 2022, you can sign up for the Alternate List from May 16 through June 30 by 11:45 p.m. MT on your MyFWP account by clicking the link below and then logging in.
Each hunter may only register for one combination license list (big game combination, general elk or general deer), and is not eligible to purchase more than one nonresident combination license a year.
Next, scroll down to the "Combination License Alternate List and Surplus License Lists" tab and click on it.
You'll then see an area called, "Register for Alternate and Surplus Lists." This is where you'll be able to make one selection.
Once the alternate list application deadline has closed on June 30, 2022, the list will be randomized to determine each hunter’s prioritization on these lists. Then roughly in mid-July, you can start to track your number status by logging in to your MyFWP page.
Starting in mid-July, you can check your position on the alternate list after the drawing takes place. When a license becomes available, the hunter with the lowest randomized number on the list will be emailed to finalize the purchase of the license, and so on until the returned nonresident combo licenses are eventually exhausted.
The odds of getting a license can change throughout the season. Hunters turning back in their tags for a refund and the state reissuing these deer combo licenses may occur at any time, but the volume of returned licenses normally increases before the general rifle hunting season kicks off in late October.
Best of luck this year!
Sign up for the Alternate List from May 16 through June 30 by 11:45 p.m. MT. You can sign up here on your MyFWP account.
Permit (special draw) licenses are not part of the alternate list - this is for general combination (big game combo, elk combo or deer combo) only.
When filling out your alternate list application, the day you register does not matter. You can register early or you can register the last day and it will not impact your odds of being selected.
Payment for the license fee is not required at the time you sign up for the Alternate List.
Note: Drawing a tag or being on the list has no effect on your existing preference points.
Party (group) applications are not accepted for the alternate list.
To apply for the alternate list, you did not have to apply in the 2022 general draw. Any nonresident can sign up.
The Alternate List will be randomized in mid-July, then you check out your number on the list.
Once the list is randomized and a license becomes available, the hunter at the top of the list will be contacted to finalize the purchase of the license.
If your name is selected, you will be emailed with instructions on how to complete the purchase of the license.
If you and a friend both want a tag, you would each have to sign up individually and hope your number is close to each other after they are randomized and that both of you get offered a tag if they become available.