The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) has proposed changes to its mule deer statewide management plan. The current plan, which was approved in 2019, will expire this December. If the Utah Wildlife Board approves the new plan during its December meeting, it will go into effect on Dec. 12 and expire in December 2030.
Public comments will be collected during a series of meetings (see below for a complete list) or via this link. Please note the deadlines to submit comments below.
The new Utah statewide mule deer management plan addresses the following:
It also would allow UDWR to adjust permit numbers annually by up to 30% based upon current data gathered from GPS collars, animal health, habitat, and weather conditions, according to a news release.
The plan also calls for expanded youth deer hunting opportunities.
You can also check out UDWR's YouTube page to see other recent videos of proposed changes for other species, season dates, etc.
“This updated management plan incorporates all the latest scientific studies and research data about mule deer,” said Dax Mangus, UDWR Big Game Coordinator. “We are taking all of the recent research and incorporating that into management efforts to increase deer populations in Utah. Part of that has involved identifying the limiting factors for deer population growth through our GPS collar data and working to address those factors. That includes increasing targeted predator removal, increasing the amount of habitat and associated restoration projects to benefit mule deer, and combating disease through targeted hunting strategies, among other things. Our main priorities with this latest management plan are to help increase our deer populations and to also provide hunting opportunities.”
There are also some proposed changes to bison, bighorn sheep, moose, and mountain goat. For a complete overview of the proposed changes, click here.
If you want to attend one of the public information/comment meetings, they’ll be held on these dates in these locations:
Updated population management goals, objectives, and strategies.
Updated sustainable harvest goals with adjustments to the general season deer hunting unit objectives — by modifying some of the units' buck-to-doe ratios to 15 to 17 — in order to optimize herd productivity, reduce disease risks, and increase hunter participation.
An updated plan for managing chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Utah’s deer populations, including expanding disease testing, encouraging disposal of deer carcasses in approved landfills, and having the ability to recommend targeted hunts in CWD hotspot areas.
A new extended archery only general season deer permit application option that would allow successful applicants to hunt only the extended archery hunt areas during the extended season dates (existing extended archery deer hunting opportunities would remain unchanged).
New general season deer hunts on five hunting units with some updated boundary changes.
An early any legal weapon buck deer season on the Box Elder general season hunting unit to help address concerns with crowding.
A new five-day early any legal weapon buck deer season on the Fillmore, Oak Creek limited-entry hunting unit to address concerns with crowding.
A new late season handgun-archery-muzzleloader-shotgun-straight walled rifle-only buck deer hunt on the San Juan, Mancos Mesa area.
A new late season any legal weapon buck deer hunt in the Henry Mtns, Little Rockies area.
Two targeted any legal weapon buck deer hunts in mid-November in the La Sal, Castle Valley area and the La Sal, Moab Valley area to address CWD. Hunters would be required to submit a CWD sample when harvesting a deer in these hunts.
New antelope muzzleloader hunting seasons on the Box Elder, West and Box Elder, Snowville hunting units to address crowding concerns.
A new general season bull elk hunt on private lands within the Uinta Basin in order to address depredation issues on agricultural properties.
Two new limited entry elk hunts for nine days in late December on two general season elk units in northern Utah to address elk populations over their current objectives.
Northern Utah RAC meeting: Nov. 6 at 6 p.m. at the Weber County Commission Chambers at 2380 Washington Blvd. #240 in Ogden. (Online comments must be submitted by Oct. 31 at 11:59 p.m.)
Central Utah RAC meeting: Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. at the DWR Springville Office at 1115 N. Main St. in Springville. (Online comments must be submitted by Oct. 31 at 11:59 p.m.)
Southern Utah RAC meeting: Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. at Southern Utah University in the Charles R. Hunter Room at the Hunter Conference Center. (Online comments must be submitted by Nov. 7 at 11:59 p.m.)
Southeastern Utah RAC meeting: Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. at the John Wesley Powell Museum at 1765 E. Main St. in Green River. (Online comments must be submitted by Nov. 7 at 11:59 p.m.)
Northeastern Utah RAC meeting: Nov. 14 at 6 p.m. at the Uintah Conference Center at 313 E. 200 South in Vernal. (Online comments must be submitted by Nov. 7 at 11:59 p.m.)
Utah Wildlife Board meeting: Dec. 12 at 9 a.m. at the Eccles Wildlife Education Center at 1157 South Waterfowl Way in Farmington. (Online comments must be submitted by Nov. 21 at 11:59 p.m.)