If you want to hunt moose in Nevada, you just got the green light. The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) just approved adding moose to the list of legal big game thanks to healthy populations in the Silver State.
That’s right – NDOW reported a 300% increase in moose sightings since last year with the majority spotted in the Ruby Mountains and some in Winnemucca, according to KOLO Channel 8 News. Further, wildlife biologists have tracked over 100 moose in the state, which is good news for hunters.
Currently, annual survival for adult moose is 98% +/- 4%, and calf recruitment ranges from 55 calves per 100 cows to 73 calves per 100 cows, annually. Both metrics suggest exceptional population growth potential, which is corroborated by a nearly 300% increase in observations occurring in 2023.
NDOW says that “allowing hunting will keep the population in check.
Stay tuned to GOHUNT for further details.