Screenshot showing this bill passed.
While scrolling around the internet this weekend, I came across something very interesting that passed unanimously in the House and Senate. House Bill 62 in Utah places a limit on guides and outfitters.
House Bill 62 basically "enacts limitations on compensating people to locate big game animals" more specifically, "Compensate" or "compensated" means anything of value in excess of $25 that is paid, loaned, given, granted, donated, or transferred to a person for or in consideration of locating or monitoring the location of big game animals.
So no longer could guides or outfitters pay more than $25 to people to locate animals. And there are some other interesting items. I'll bold some of the parts I found interesting
"Retain" or "retained" means a written or oral agreement for the delivery of outfitting services or hunting guide services between an outfitter or hunting guide and the recipient of those services.
(2) Except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4), a person may not compensate another person to locate or monitor the location of big game animals on public land in connection with or furtherance of taking a big game animal under this title.
(3) A person may compensate a registered outfitter or hunting guide, as defined in Section 58-79-102, to help the person locate and take a big game animal on public land if:
(a) the outfitter or hunting guide is registered and in good standing under Title 58, Chapter 79, Hunting Guides and Outfitters Registration Act;
(b) the person has retained the outfitter or hunting guide and is the recipient of the outfitting services and hunting guide services, as defined in Section 58-79-102;
(c) the person possesses the licenses and permits required to take a big game animal;
(d) the person retains and uses not more than one outfitter or hunting guide in connection with taking a big game animal; and
(e) the retained outfitter or hunting guide uses no more than one compensated individual in locating or monitoring the location of big game animals on public land.
(4) A registered outfitter or hunting guide in good standing may compensate another person to locate or monitor the location of big game animals on public land if:
(a) the outfitter or hunting guide has been retained by the recipient of the outfitting services or hunting guide services to assist the recipient take a big game animal on public land;
(b) the recipient possesses the licenses and permits required to take a big game animal;
(c) the recipient is not simultaneously using another outfitter or hunting guide to assist in taking the same species and sex of big game animal; and
(d) the outfitter or hunting guide compensates not more than one other individual to locate or monitor the location of big game animals in connection with assisting the recipient take a big game animal on public land.
(5) A violation of:
(a) this section constitutes an unlawful take under Section 23-20-3; and
(b) Subsection (4) constitutes unlawful conduct under Sections 58-1-501, 58-1-502, 301 and 58-79-501.
Basically, it limits how many guides can be on a hunt and what a guide/outfitter can compensate someone for finding animals.
Screenshot showing this bill passed.
As mentioned earlier in the article, this passed unanimously.
What are your thoughts?