On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Located to the west of The Great Salt Lake and north of I80, this unit has a healthy herd of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. This large unit contains the Newfoundland Mountains where the majority of the sheep can be found.
The sheep are doing well enough that they have been relocating some to different parts of the state.
Located in the northwest corner of the state, this unit has a lot of desert country. The valley floor leads up through different creek drainages through rolling foothills to the steeper mountain ridges. The Newfoundland Mountains are the main mountain range in the unit but there are a few other mountain bands scattered throughout the unit.
With little terrain variation, the main vegetation within the unit is grass, sagebrush, pinyon pines and junipers. Continuing up through the middle elevations is sagebrush with conifer forests starting to mix in, along with mahogany.
There is road access on all sides of the unit with well-maintained dirt roads leading to less-maintained four-wheel-drive roads or ATV trails. There is also military land located in the unit that prohibits hunting so hunters should be aware of the boundaries.
Most hunters camp along roads as there are several locations that have good, flat camping locations for travel trailers or tents. There are no designated campgrounds within the unit.
Roughly 1,804 square miles
92% public land
Elevations from 4,200-7,000 feet