The Big Thompson herd is estimated to have 65 bighorns and can be found west of Fort Collins. Roosevelt National Forest provides hunters with thousands of acres of public land. Archery resident ram tags are available for this area.
This unit was largely burned during the 2020 Cameron Peak Fire. Hunters should be aware that the landscape will be vastly different in areas and animal movements and habits may have changed. Use the morning hours to glass the north canyon walls to locate a trophy ram. Once located, spend the rest of your days stalking the ram. Watch for afternoon thunderstorms. Make sure that you hunt during weekdays to avoid recreational traffic.
From Signal Mountain to the 5,000 foot high plains near Fort Collins, the Big Thompson River carries snowmelt and rain eastward towards the South Platte River. Big Thompson Canyon has steep canyon walls from Fort Collins to Estes Park. Deep gulches like Rabbit, Dark, Long, True and Sulzer connect to Big Thompson. Cedar and North Fork creeks add runoff to Big Thompson.
Large dense forests of spruce, fir, ponderosa, lodgepole pine and aspen are found on mountain slopes. Sagebrush, oak brush, mountain mahogany and some pinyon/ juniper cover the foothills at lower elevations. Open parklands are covered with wildflowers and grasses. High plains farmlands are cultivated in barley, corn and wheat.
Roosevelt National Forest offers thousands of acres of public lands. U.S. Highway 34 travels about 15 miles along the Big Thompson River from Fort Collins to Estes Park. County Road 43 heads up the North Fork of Big Thompson River to Glen Haven, connecting with Storm Mountain Drive.
Roosevelt National Forest does not have any improved campgrounds along the Big Thompson River. Estes Park is a resort town at the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park and provides many options for lodging, camping, cafés, restaurants, medical facilities and 24/7 gas or diesel. Fort Collins is the third largest population center along the Front Range and offers a wide variety of motels, hotels, cafés, microbreweries, restaurants, a regional medical facility and 24/7 gas and diesel.