Bring good optics and good quality clothing that can withstand the elements
Always pack bear spray as you are in grizzly country
Some of the mountain lakes provide good fishing opportunities
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
February 2025
Located in the Crazy Mountains, this district has some of the most scenic, inaccessible, remote country in southwest Montana. It is a backpack hunter's dream. With an early goat opener, goats can be hunted during milder weather conditions.
Goat populations are very good, with the highest densities being in the center of the mountain range. A realistic goal would be a Billy over 8", with numerous goats being killed every year over 9”. Due to the high number of tags, age class will suffer some, but quality can still be found. Billies typically range from 8-9”.
The terrain is very steep with trail systems generally running in the bottom of the drainages, and then going up through mountain passes. There are plenty of water sources with mountain lakes and streams scattered throughout the district. Massive cliff walls surround these lakes making a cathedral type setting.
The upper portion of this district is above tree line with no vegetation other than rock and some subalpine grasses. The vegetation mid-elevation is sparse subalpine fir mixed with Douglas fir and a grassy rock understory. In the creek bottoms at lower elevations there are large Douglas fir trees, along with a mix of juniper and mountain brush. Water sources are plentiful with many mountain lakes and streams.
District 313 has limited trailheads, but those will access the center of the mountains. The trailheads are generally well maintained and have a lot of traffic from non hunters. Some of the main trailheads are Rock Creek, Big timber Canyon, Cottonwood, Trespass and Sweet Grass trails. These will give good access to goat country, most are 3 to 8 miles before reaching good goat habitat. It is very steep hiking once in the mountains, vertical cliff walls and very steep slopes are very common. In the lower portions of the mountains there is checkerboard of public and private land so a GPS with land ownership is very useful.
Camping is allowed on most public land. The nearest town on the east side of the Crazy Mountains is Big Timber with lodging, gas and groceries available. On the west side of the mountains is Livingston, about a 1 hour and 20 minute drive with lodging, gas and groceries also available.