Scout before the season to get permission to hunt on private land
Fishing is good in Dworshak Reservoir
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
This area is made up of low, rolling mountains north and northeast of Elk River and includes private, state and St. Joe National Forest land. Moose are scattered throughout this unit.
This unit produces a good number of mature moose every year for hunters on state, federal and private ground. Bulls with antler spreads of 38-46” are average.
This unit is in Shoshone and Clearwater counties and stretches northeast to Goat Mountain and Crescendo Peak. O’Donnell Peak, Pinchot Butte, Castle Rock, Glover Creek, Grice Ridge, Trapper Peak, Stony Creek and Breakfast Creek can be found here. Several ridges run from about 5,000 to almost 6,300 feet in elevation. Although a few mountains reach almost 6,000 feet, most terrain is between 3,000 and 5,000 feet above sea level. The terrain is moderately steep except for some steep canyons along the northeastern edge and between Tamarack Ridge and the north side of Grice Ridge.
Forests are densely timbered by mature evergreens like larch, hemlock, pines, tamarack, firs, cedars and spruces. Berry bushes, willows, ferns, various forbs, shrubs, saplings and immature trees grow in clearcuts. Some grassy meadows and pastures can be found here. The St. Maries River bottoms feature long, grassy pastures. Clearcuts are scattered throughout the unit, many are open, grassy and brushy, making for ideal moose habitat.
Lodging and RV parking is available at Elk River Lodge & General Store. Blue Spruce Lodge in Weippe has tent sites and 12 RV sites. Timberline Café and RV Park also in Weippe has RV sites and cabins for rent. Hunters can camp almost anywhere in the national forest. The Outback in Pierce offers cabins for rent.
Roughly 209 square miles
68.4% public land
Elevations from 2,400-6,400 feet
This area has many roads, some of them in good condition. Roads and trails are subject to motor vehicle restrictions. Travel plan maps can be picked up at Idaho Panhandle forest ranger district offices and are subject to change.
Details about vehicle maps and ranger district offices are found here
Some trails can be limited to 50” or narrower ATVs