Quick Tips
- Weather can be hot and windy
- High tourist area
species | general Size | trophy potential |
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep | 155"-165" | 165"+ |
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
species | general Size | trophy potential |
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep | 155"-165" | 165"+ |
A herd of an estimated 35 bighorns can be found northwest of Forest Collins and east of the Laramie Mountains. Thousands of acres of public land are available on Roosevelt National Forest and state lands. Resident rifle tags are valid in S40 and S58.
Warm weather can have rams bedded in timber during the day and visible early in the morning or late in the afternoon on open ridges and draws. Watch for afternoon thunderstorms.
The Laramie Mountains, including 10,000 foot Deadman Lookout, is near the resort area of Red Feather Lakes. Many creeks, gulches and canyons feed into Lone Pine Creek and North Fork Poudre River. Places like Panhandle Creek, Sheep Creek, Cherokee Park, Lone, Slab Canyon and Calloway Hill can all be found within this area. The eastern slope of the Rockies is dry, rocky, steep and mountainous.
Large dense stands of ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine and aspen can be seen on the hills and mountains of this region. Oak brush, mountain mahogany, bitter brush carpet ridges, gulches and hills all make up the vegetation in this area. Cottonwoods and willows can be found lining creek bottoms. Sagebrush, buffalo and grama grass, center pivot alfalfa and hay fields are found in lower elevations.
Roosevelt National Forest improved campgrounds include West lake, Dowdy and North Fork Poudre River. Fort Collins is a university community with a large variety of motels, hotels, cafés, restaurants, regional medical facilities, 24/7 gas and diesel. Red Feather Lakes is a mountain resort town that has cabins, bed and breakfasts, motels, cafsé and gas and diesel.
Roughly 427 square miles
54.6% public land
Elevations from 5,742-10,711 feet
U.S. Highway 287 runs north of Fort Collins to the Wyoming border and connects with Cherokee Park Road and County Road 82E. Red Feather Lakes Rd heads west of Livermore runs along Lone Pine Creek. A number of county and forest service roads reach both state and national forest trails. Cherokee is 25,497 acres and can be reached off U.S. Highway 287 north of Fort Collins. Motor vehicles are permitted on established roads as posted.
Roosevelt National Forest trails available online