Resident moose tag |
$199.75 |
Nonresident moose tag |
$2,626.75 |
Junior resident moose tag |
$199.75 |
Junior nonresident moose tag |
$2,626.75 |
Resident controlled hunt application |
$16.75 |
Nonresident controlled hunt application |
$45.75 |
Resident moose tag | $199.75 |
Nonresident moose tag | $2,626.75 |
Junior resident moose tag | $199.75 |
Junior nonresident moose tag | $2,626.75 |
Resident controlled hunt application | $16.75 |
Nonresident controlled hunt application | $45.75 |
Idaho has historically been a great state for Shiras moose although populations have been on a slight decline in recent years. Predation from wolves continues to be an issue along with diseases spread from ticks. Overall, tag quotas are still decent and draw odds are among the best in the west although this may chnge in years to come. Moose are often overlooked since applicants are limited to applying for only one species when considering sheep, moose, or mountain goat. This helps to make Idaho an easier draw compared to other states. Big bulls are harvested in Idaho every year with several bulls qualifying for Boone and Crockett. Few units will produce bulls over 50” wide, but most units give you a chance to harvest a 40” bull. The terrain in the southeastern part of the state is physically easier than the moose units found in the central and panhandle regions. Private land and development can limit some access in the southeastern units and require short range weapons to be used. The timber companies in the panhandle region units usually allow access, but plan on hunting some thicker country. Many seasons take place during excellent rut activity and offer an exciting hunt.
** Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if any part of the unit is found within the county.
Applications are submitted online
The minimum age to hunt was lowered from 12 years to 10 years of age
Controlled hunts with 10 or fewer permits, no more than one nonresident permit may be issued
A maximum of 10% of controlled hunt tags go to nonresidents
As seen in quota numbers below, nonresidents get far less than 10% of controlled tags
Idaho allows only one bull moose per lifetime
Predators have negatively impacted moose numbers in the central part of Idaho
40” to 50” wide bulls are harvested annually in Idaho
Idaho is a great state for B&C qualifying Shiras moose
Top 5 B&C Entries by County |
# of Entries |
Units Within County |
Bonneville |
44 |
Idaho |
29 |
Caribou |
24 |
Shoshone |
18 |
Fremont |
17 |
Top 5 B&C Entries by County | # of Entries | Units Within County |
Bonneville | 44 | |
Idaho | 29 | |
Caribou | 24 | |
Shoshone | 18 | |
Fremont | 17 |