How to apply for the Montana nonresident Big Game Combo, Elk Combo, or Deer Combo licenses

Removing the headache of applying for Montana's confusing nonresident combination licenses for general season deer and elk hunts

How do you apply for the Montana nonresident big game combo, elk combo or deer combo licenses

How do I apply for the Montana big game combo, elk combo, or deer combo licenses as a nonresident?

Montana is a top-tier destination for western hunters looking to hunt elk and deer, but if you’re a nonresident, getting your license starts with understanding the draw system. Unlike states that offer species-specific tags, Montana bundles your general season deer and elk hunting licenses into what they call combination licenses. If you want to hunt here, this is your first step.

What Are the Montana Combination Licenses?

There are three main nonresident combination licenses:

  1. Big Game Combo – Includes deer and elk for $1,278

  2. Elk Combo – Includes elk only for $1,078

  3. Deer Combo – Includes deer only for $744

Nonresidents can apply for only one of these combo licenses each year. All of these license types include season fishing and upland bird licenses.

Each combo also includes:

  • Upland game bird license (excluding turkey)

  • Season fishing license

Plus, you’ll need a Base Hunting license, Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Pass (AISPP), and a Conservation License.

  • Base hunting license: $15.00

  • Conservation license: $10.00

  • Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Pass: $7.50

You’ll need to apply for one of these combination licenses if you also want to apply for a special permit in a limited-entry hunting district (HD). Note: Applying for a limited entry hunt is not required if you just want to hunt the general hunt districts. Montana combination licenses use preference points, and the limited entry permit type hunts use bonus points.

When and how to apply in Montana for hunts

The application window for deer and elk in Montana opens in early March and closes on April 1 every year. Don’t miss this deadline — Montana doesn’t accept late applications.

You can apply online through the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) website. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks homepage

  2. Click "Buy and apply" at the top

  3. Scroll down and select "ONLINE LICENSING". Or go here to save a step, jump right to this section to be taken to the licensing section

  4. Click on "I Am A NONRESIDENT"

  5. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and your ALS number, then click "CONTINUE." (If you don't have an ALS number, click the button to the right that says "I DO NOT HAVE AN ALS#")

  6. Select the current application year and click "CONTINUE"

  7. Add a Conservation License. (also, you can add the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Pass and Base Hunting License to your cart. If you do not, these items will automatically be added to your cart later)

  8. Under the HUNTING category, select the nonresident combo license you want (Big Game Combo - General, Elk Combo - General, or Deer Combo - General).

  9. If you want to apply for an elk permit or deer permit, you'll need to check that box

  10. Click "CONTINUE"

  11. Select if you're applying with a party

  12. Select if you're applying with nonresident landowner preference

  13. Select if you're hunting with an outfitter (if you selected yes, and selected yes to purchase a preference point, you can also purchase an Outfitter Endorsed Point)

  14. Select which bottom portion of the application meets your needs about turning in your tag or keeping your tag based on the elk permit section. If you're not applying for an elk permit, select the first bullet point.

  15. Select the option if you want to donate your full refund to Black Management.

  16. Fill out how you heard about deer and elk hunting in Montana

  17. Click "CONTINUE"

  18. Select the boxes for two donations

  19. Review your selections and fees. Click "CONTINUE"

  20. Fill out your address section. Click "CONTINUE"

  21. Fill out your personal information. Click "CONTINUE"

  22. Select if you want regulations mailed to you if success

  23. Select if you want your license printed by FWP or an E-tag


  25. Fill out your billing information. Click "NEXT"

  26. Fill out your card information for payment and click "SUBMIT PAYMENT"

As always, please double-check your purchase or application prior to the final submission. Once an application has been entered, or an over-the-counter license has been purchased, it is final and cannot be changed.

Expect to pay between $750–$1,400, depending on the combo and any additional options (preference points, bonus points, permit fees, outfitter preference, etc.).

Draw Odds & Alternate List

Montana uses a preference point draw system for nonresident combo licenses. Your odds vary by year, but nonresident quotas are capped — around 17,000 total combos for the big game combo (deer and elk) and 4,600 for the deer combo are issued annually.

You can elect to purchase a preference point during the draw, which will automatically be added be applied to your application that year. Or you can risk it, and go in with zero points and have better draw odds. Learn more about that in the article below:

Be sure to check out your Montana draw odds on Insider:

Didn’t draw? You can add your name to the Alternate List (opens around May), and if someone returns their tag, you might pick one up later in the summer. Be ready to jump fast — returned tags go quickly.

Tips for Nonresidents

  • Apply early

  • Double-check everything

  • Use tools like GOHUNT's Draw Odds and Filtering to choose the best units for your goals.

  • Review leftover license opportunities after the draw — sometimes a second chance pops up.

  • Be sure to check out GOHUNT's Montana series of Application Strategy Articles:

Final Thoughts

Applying for Montana as a nonresident isn’t overly complicated, but it does require some strategy and planning. Lock in your combo license first, and you’re halfway to chasing bulls or bucks in Big Sky Country. Know the deadlines, research your units, and hit “submit” with confidence.