Even if they are unable to use their big game tag, Arizona hunters will still be able to put it to good use. The Arizona Game and Fish Department has now authorized the transferring of a permit or tag to a qualified organization for use by a veteran of the U.S. armed forces who has a service-connected disability.
When a hunter gets a big game permit, it’s a lot like winning the lottery. When extenuating circumstances arise and the hunter is no long able to use the tag, one of the worries is that the tag will go to waste. The option, however, of transferring the tag not only ensures that this won’t happen, but also provides a valuable opportunity for those that have already been through many challenges.
“We’re pleased about the hunting opportunities the new rule may provide for veterans with service-related disabilities,” said Arizona Game and Fish Commission Chairman Robert Mansell. “It’s one way that we and sportsmen can show our appreciation and gratitude for their service and sacrifices.”
The new tag transfer option is the welcomed results of legislation supported and sponsored by Representative Frank Pratt. The bill was passed by the House by a vote of 57-3 on 2-10. The Senate Natural Resources-Rural Affairs Committee passed 3-12.
It is now one of three laws that allow hunters to transfer big game permits. The others allow hunters to transfer permits to minor children and grandchildren, or permit the transfer to a qualified organization for use by a child with a life-threatening condition or permanent disability.
The bill prescribes the manner and conditions of transferring and using big game permits, stipulating that a tag transfer to a disabled veteran’s 501(c)(3) organization will require an affidavit of voluntary donation and the tag.
To obtain the transfer affidavit, hunters are being asked to contact the individual 501(c)(3) organization. A list of qualified entities can be found at www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunting.shtml. For a list of some 501(c)(3) organizations providing hunting opportunities to children with life-threatening medical diseases, please visit www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunting.shtml.
Please keep in mind that the Arizona Game and Fish Department is not able to reimburse bonus points for transferred tags.