Colorado met its voter-approved requirement of releasing wolves into the state by Dec. 31, 2023. Now, there have been confirmed sightings of three pups and their mother, with at least one of the pups weighing in between 30 and 40 pounds, according to The Colorado Sun.
The news broke on Aug. 17 when Mike Usalavage posted a video to social media.
The wolf pups in the videos are seen in a rain puddle and wrestling along a dirt road in an undisclosed location, ignoring the vehicle and dogs inside that whine and bark as their mother lies hidden in the grassy shoulder.
Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) confirmed that the pups are from the first introduced wolf pack, posting the video on Instagram on Monday. CPW plans to monitor the denning area to see if there are more than three pups from this litter as, in June, the agency did confirm the birth of what appeared to be a single pup.
As wolves continue to establish territories and, most likely, grow in population, CPW asks that anyone who thinks they’ve spotted a wolf to fill out the Wolf Sighting Form to help biologists keep tabs on their movements across the state.