Montana will hold special chronic wasting disease (CWD) management hunts for whitetail deer across several Region 3 hunting districts. The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission unanimously agreed to the special hunt based upon a high prevalence of the fatal disease within whitetail deer herds in these districts. The hope is that by targeting infected herds, it will slow the spread to mule deer, elk and moose.
If you have a valid unused 2020 general deer license, you can use it to harvest an either-sex whitetail deer from Dec. 15 through Feb. 15, according to the agency. Further, any unused 2020 003-00, 331-00 and 399-00 deer B licenses will remain valid for antlerless whitetail deer harvest in CWD management hunt areas through mid-February. No additional licenses can be purchased; however, 003-00 deer B licenses will be sold until Jan. 15, 2021.
The CWD management hunt will be held in the following districts:
Like any hunt, please make sure you have landowner permission.
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is requesting that those who participate in this special management hunt also submit samples for CWD testing. You can either follow directions provided by the agency and submit samples for testing on your own or bring your harvested deer to one of the CWD sampling stations that will be available as of Dec. 21. Please note that these stations only operate one day per week, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are located at:
HD 320: Only those portions within the Jefferson River watershed. Those portions within the Madison River watershed are excluded.
All of HD 322
All of HD 324
HD 325: Only those portions within the Blacktail Deer Creek watershed and north of Clark Canyon Creek. Those portions within the Beaverhead River watershed south of Clark Canyon Creek are excluded.
All of HD 326
All of HD 329
HD 330: Only those portions within the Ruby River watershed. Those portions within the Madison River watershed are excluded.
All of HD 331
All of HD 340
730 N. Montana St. in Dillon (Mondays only)
1820 Meadowlark Ln. in Butte (Tuesdays only)