Wolves are doing quite well in Michigan. The latest wolf estimate, which was delivered during a recent Natural Resource Committee (NRC) meeting, is around 631 in the Upper Peninsula, Channel 6 Fox News reports.
“Wolves have been stable for basically the last 12 years. You know, kind of indicating they’ve reached that kind of carrying capacity or at least biological carrying capacity in the Upper Peninsula. We aren’t seeing new packs show up and change over time,”said Brian Roell, a wildlife biologist with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR).
The estimate is purely for informational purposes, according to Roell.
“It’s just going to outline some of the things that would have to occur if and when the wolf is delisted and if and when the NRC or legislators decide they would like to have a harvest season,” said Roell.
Biologists use trail cameras to track the wolf population in the vast expanse of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Some have blamed wolves for the decline in deer in the region.
“We’re pointing the finger right at the wolf. There’s other issues involved. I’m not going to argue the reason low deer numbers are because of lack of habitat and winter killed. Those are all important factors,” said Gary Gorniak, vice president of the Upper Peninsula Sportsmen’s Alliance. “But we feel as sportsmen that one of the main factors is the wolf and most sportsmen don’t want to wipe out the wolf. But we want the wolf managed.”
Should Michigan wolves be regulated?