Beginning in 2023, there will be changes in place for nonresident and resident hunters for over-the-counter (OTC) tags for Arizona’s archery deer season. According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), here’s what to expect:
For nonresident hunters, for 2023, there will be only 2,890 archery deer non-permit tags available. They will be only sold online on a first come, first served basis. To purchase one, click here. Sales begin on Dec. 1, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. Once sold, there will not be any other tags available and third-party license dealers will not have any to sell.
Going forward, the number of archery deer nonresident non-permit tags will be set annually at 10% of the average total sales from the most recent five years – only rounded down to the nearest increment of five, according to AZGFD. Note that new nonresident restrictions do not apply to nonresidents who have an Arizona Pioneer, Lifetime Hunt, Lifetime Combination or Lifetime Benefactor license.
However, if you are a resident hunter, you can purchase your archery deer non-permit tag right now at any third-party license dealer or AZGFD office. There are no restrictions as to the number of available tags to Arizona residents.
Archery deer seasons run from Jan. 1 to 31, 2023; Aug. 25 to Sept. 7, 2023, and Dec. 8 to 31, 2023. Units close once a quota has been filled and some units are already closed for the January season. To see what areas are still open, click here.
Good luck!