Big news... we recently updated draw odds for Arizona and New Mexico on Insider! You'll now see precisely what occurred in the 2023 draw, which will help you apply smarter in these upcoming state application periods.
Note: more states will follow shortly with updated draw odds.
So the big question remains... what are you waiting for? Dive in now and start your 2024 research for these states.
If you're not an Insider, there's no better time than now to join and get access to our entire set of hunting research tools that will greatly help when planning your upcoming hunts.
Currently, we have draw odds updated for the following states:
Dive into Draw Odds and Filtering 2.0 to start your application research well before each state's application period opens up! Best of luck in the 2024 draws! Feel free to reach out to us at any time if you have questions.
Also, don't forget to check out our phenomenal research tool called Hunt Planner, to start putting together your best plan of attack.
What can you do in Hunt Planner?
Learn more about our Hunt Planner here.
GOHUNT makes it easy to find tag opportunities by state, species, probability of draw odds success, and much more! Whether you have 0 points, max points, or any number of points for certain states, a GOHUNT membership gives you the information you need to plan a successful hunt. In addition to our research tools, all Insiders have access to GOHUNT Maps on the web and mobile app. It's the only complete and full package set of tools to help you find the hunt you want this year or to help you plan for hunts in the future.
If you're unfamiliar with Insider, you can learn more below.
New Mexico
Our stand-alone detailed draw odds experience showcases your odds for whatever state/species/hunt you want in a table format, plus you'll see application trends and tags drawn at each point level.
Draw Odds is also a filter option in our powerful Filtering 2.0 tool.
Draw Odds are also incorporated in each season level in our Unit Profiles.
More states will have updated draw odds for upcoming application season.
Season dates will be updated as each state releases its approved regulations.
The tag allocation graphs are getting updated as we acquire the data.
The harvest success will be updated later in the spring once the various states release that data.
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Can help decide what unit to apply for or what order to place your units when applying on a state's website