For a flintlock muzzleloader, start by loading both the pre-measured main charge and projectile in the muzzle end of the barrel.
Pull the hammer to a half-cocked position. Fill the flash pan with primer powder. When the flash pan is full, pivot the frizzen down and on top of the primer.
Spring tension holds the frizzen is held in place and keeps the primer powder from falling out. This also seals it from the elements. Pull back the hammer manually and lock it in the fire position.
Now prepare to be impressed! When the hammer is released, the flint makes contact with the frizzen, creating a shower of sparks. This causes the priming powder to start to burn. This fire travels through the touch hole, igniting the main powder charge. The pressure of the burning main charge sends the projectile down the barrel and out to its intended target, accompanied by an remarkable display of smoke and firepower.