10 easy steps for loading your inline percussion muzzleloader

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The following steps to load and fire a modern inline percussion muzzleloader must be performed each time you want to use this firearm to take a shot. You'll become more accomplished the more often you do it, so practice often!

Step 1.Pour black powder from the powder flask into the powder measurer. NEVER pour directly from the powder flask into the barrel.

Step 2.With the powder measurer, pour the measured black powder into the barrel.

Step 3.Press the bullet into the muzzle.

Step 4.Use the round or small end of a bullet starter to gently push the bullet into the barrel.

Step 5.Push the bullet farther into the barrel by using the longer end of a bullet starter.

Step 6.Hold the ramrod about 6 inches from the muzzle. Take your time and use short strokes to seat the projectile firmly upon the powder charge so that there is no airspace between the projectile and the powder charge. Any air space here can cause dangerous pressure build-up when firing.

Step 7.When the mark on your ramrod lines up with the top of the muzzle, the bullet is now seated on top of the charge.

Step 8.Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and apply the safety if your firearm has one.

Step 9.Use the priming tool to seat the percussion cap onto the nipple.

Step 10.Make sure you wear appropriate eye protection while shooting. Once you are ready, properly identify the target as well as what is before and beyond your target. Line up your sights, disengage the safety if your firearm has one, pull the hammer back to the cocked position and gently squeeze the trigger.