August 2014 marked the beginning of Brady Miller's journey to hunt a buck in the unforgiving mountains of Northern Nevada. Miller, an accomplished bowhunter, had scouted the buck for nearly two months before embarking on the week-long hunt with his hunting buddy, Dave Loescher.
Brady was prepared to battle the heat and sun that are typical of this terrain. Miller's plans were quickly changed by Mother Nature when his hunt became the center of an uncharacteristic rainstorm. For days, Brady and Dave battled to stay warm and dry while avoiding violent lightning and Brady continued to track and position himself to take the perfect shot.
Was Brady able to overcome the elements and harsh terrain to successfully harvest his buck? You will have to wait until next week to find out. In the mean time, watch the trailer above for a sneak peek at Elements.
Ultimately, Elements tells the story of what is required to successfully bowhunt a buck while battling unpredictable weather changes in the mountainous terrain of Northern Nevada.