There are many things that hunters can do to help with wildlife management and conservation. Joining a national organization that exists to protect wildlife, such as the Nature Conservancy, or a local (state) organization like the Montana Wildlife Foundation, is one way to get started. If you are passionate about a certain species, such as bighorn sheep, there are niche groups like Nevada Bighorns Unlimited. Hunters can volunteer their time or financial resources to these conservation organizations.
They can also get involved through the private sphere. If you know a landowner, for instance, you can ask if you can help the wildlife by building brush piles for small game or planting some trees that will provide food for wildlife. Make sure that you’re creating habitat aids and planting proper items that will actively help the local wildlife population, not damage it. Most wildlife organizations can provide guidelines around those efforts.
Anything you can do to improve the quality of our natural resources benefits not only you but also future generations of hunters and non-hunters.