Hanwag Kalixfors SF Extra GTX boot is a flex 3 on the GOHUNT boot stiffness scale.
Are you having trouble deciding which boot to buy for your next hunt? Are you overwhelmed by all the different boot choices, and you’re simply trying to make sense of it all? Look no further, as this article covers the top three things you need to know to find your perfect hunting boot.
When it comes to choosing the right boot stiffness, there are a few factors to consider.
First, think about the type of terrain and hunt you’ll be going on. For more rugged, steep terrain that requires a lot of hiking, a stiffer boot will be more beneficial as it will take some of the workload off your lower legs due to the extra stiffness and support. For mild terrain or low country hunts where you aren’t hiking as much, a more flexible boot is ideal to give you the flexibility you need on these types of hunts.
The second thing to think about is boot break-in and overall comfort. For the most part, stiffer boots will require a break-in period before they actually feel comfortable enough to take on a hunt. This can be a long process. However, once they are broken in, they can be some of the most comfortable boots you wear. On the other hand, more flexible boots are usually comfortable right out of the box and don’t require as much of a break-in period, if any, compared to stiffer boots. You’ll also have fewer chances at hot spots or blisters.
Weighing the pros and cons, along with the different types of hunts and terrain, is important. Do your research and look at a variety of boots to find what's going to best fit your needs.
GOHUNT makes it super easy to look at a variety of boot stiffness options with their flex rating scale. Their flex rating scale is from one to five, with one being the least stiff and five being the stiffest. You can filter boots based on stiffness to find the perfect boot for what you need. Learn more about their boot stiffness scale below:
For every one pound on your feet, it feels like five pounds on your back — at least that's what they say anyway. Whether that's true or not is up for debate, but I will say it’s important to think about your overall boot weight and how it might affect you, along with the tradeoffs between light boots and heavy boots. Obviously, the heavier the boot weighs, the more energy and effort you’ll exert, which is the opposite of lighter boots. So, what’s the ideal weight for a pair of hunting boots? Usually, you should aim to be around 3.5 pounds for a pair of hunting boots. That’s a good benchmark and the middle ground regarding boot weight. Heavier boots tend to be stiffer, more durable, thick-soled, and overall, more robust. Lighter boots tend to be less stiff, not as durable, and have a thinner sole. Again, it comes down to the type of terrain you’ll be hunting, time of year, and hunting style. These will determine whether you need a heavier or lighter boot. I tend to use lighter boots for warmer temperatures, mild terrain, and when I’m not carrying a super heavy pack. I like heavier boots for cooler temperatures, rugged terrain, and carrying a heavy backpack.
When it comes to boot materials, three different kinds are typically available:
Each material has different strengths and weaknesses. Leather boots are going to be heavier, more durable, have good waterproofing, and last longer, but they don’t breathe as well as the other materials. Synthetic boots are usually lighter, breathe better, and dry faster, but they are not as durable and won’t last as long compared to leather boots. Hybrid boots will consist of leather and synthetic material, and usually fall in the middle in each category between leather and synthetic.
Prioritizing what material features are most important to you will help you decide which boot is best for you. If you want a boot that lasts multiple years, leather is a good option. If you are worried about overall weight, synthetic is probably better suited for you. If you want the best of both worlds, try a hybrid boot.
After you select a boot, you'll want to care for it. Be sure to check out this great article by Paul Frame, "Helpful tips to get more life out of your hunting boots."
Selecting the right hunting boots is crucial for a successful and enjoyable hunt. By considering factors like boot stiffness, weight, and material, you can tailor your choice to your specific needs and preferences. So, as you gear up for your next hunting adventure, remember to invest the time and research to ensure that you find the perfect hunting boots. Your feet will thank you.