Item | Application fee |
Resident | $7.00 |
Nonresident | $9.00 |
Item | Qualifying license/annualsmall game hunt license |
Resident | $30.11 |
Nonresident | $82.78 |
Item | Youth qualifying license/annualsmall game hunt license |
Resident | $1.26 |
Nonresident | $1.26 |
Item | Habitat stamp |
Resident | $10.13 |
Nonresident | $10.13 |
Item | *Elk bull adult |
Resident | $55.43 |
Nonresident | $670.25 |
Item | *Elk either sex adult |
Resident | $55.43 |
Nonresident | $670.25 |
Item | *Elk cow adult |
Resident | $55.43 |
Nonresident | $503.12 |
Item | *Elk youth |
Resident | $15.68 |
Nonresident | $102.78 |
Item | *Antelope adult |
Resident | $40.24 |
Nonresident | $401.83 |
Item | *Antelope youth |
Resident | $15.68 |
Nonresident | $102.78 |
Item | Resident | Nonresident |
Application fee | $7.00 | $9.00 |
Qualifying license/annualsmall game hunt license | $30.11 | $82.78 |
Youth qualifying license/annualsmall game hunt license | $1.26 | $1.26 |
Habitat stamp | $10.13 | $10.13 |
*Elk bull adult | $55.43 | $670.25 |
*Elk either sex adult | $55.43 | $670.25 |
*Elk cow adult | $55.43 | $503.12 |
*Elk youth | $15.68 | $102.78 |
*Antelope adult | $40.24 | $401.83 |
*Antelope youth | $15.68 | $102.78 |
Season | Archery |
Dates | Sept. 2 to 30 |
Season | Muzzleloader |
Dates | Sept. 12 to 20 |
Season | First rifle season |
Dates | Oct. 10 to 14 |
Season | Second rifle season |
Dates | Oct. 24 to Nov. 1 |
Season | Third rifle season |
Dates | Nov. 7 to 13 |
Season | Fourth rifle season |
Dates | Nov. 18 to 22 |
Season | Dates |
Archery | Sept. 2 to 30 |
Muzzleloader | Sept. 12 to 20 |
First rifle season | Oct. 10 to 14 |
Second rifle season | Oct. 24 to Nov. 1 |
Third rifle season | Nov. 7 to 13 |
Fourth rifle season | Nov. 18 to 22 |
Season | Archery |
Dates | Aug. 15 to Sept. 20 |
Season | Muzzleloader |
Dates | Sept. 21 to 29 |
Season | Rifle |
Dates | Oct. 3 to 11 |
Season | Dates |
Archery | Aug. 15 to Sept. 20 |
Muzzleloader | Sept. 21 to 29 |
Rifle | Oct. 3 to 11 |
Colorado snow water equivalent update as of March 4, 2020. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Colorado snow water equivalent update as of March 20, 2019. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Colorado snow water equivalent update as of March 15, 2018. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
February 2019 precipitation as a percentage of normal. Photo credit: Colorado State
The application deadline for Colorado is April 7, 2020 at 8:00 MST. You can apply online here or via telephone at 1-800-244-5613. Paper applications are no longer available.
To view important information and an overview of Colorado’s rules/regulations, the draw system and preference points, tag and license fees and an interactive boundary line map, check out our State Profile. You can also view the Species Profiles to access historical and statistical data to help you find trophy units.
Colorado is a fairly easy state to apply in. You will have to create an online account if you have not previously done so. That can be done by going here. Or you can call 1-800-244-5613 for help getting an account.
*License cost will only be charged if you are successful in the draw.
Total cost for an adult nonresident to apply will be $92.91 plus $9 per species.
*Unless otherwise noted in the brochure tables
*Unless otherwise noted in the brochure tables.
Colorado snow water equivalent update as of March 4, 2020. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Colorado snow water equivalent update as of March 20, 2019. Source: National Resources Conservation Service
Nonresidents can be allocated up to 35% of the elk licenses for each hunt code unless the hunt has taken residents at least six years or more to draw on average over a three year period. In these cases, nonresidents can be allocated up to 20% of the total licenses for those hunts.
There is no resident/nonresident allocation split in licenses for antelope.
Colorado utilizes a true preference point system to allocate elk and antelope licenses, meaning the applicants with the most points that apply for any given hunt draw the licenses. There is no random draw for licenses.
Preference points are acquired by either being unsuccessful in the draw for your first hunt choice or simply using the preference only code as your first hunt choice. Colorado considers every applicant's first choice before moving to subsequent choices. You can draw a hunt as a second, third or fourth choice and still build a preference point for that year. You cannot build more than one preference point per year. If you draw your first hunt choice, your preference points will be purged. If you fail to apply for a species or have not purchased a license for ten consecutive years, then all accumulated preference points for that species will be purged.
Elk preference point only code: E-P-999-99-P
Antelope preference point only code: A-P-999-99-P
Group applications of any number are accepted for elk and antelope. Residents and nonresidents can apply together. One person must be the group leader and all applications in that group are linked together with that group leader’s CID. Every member of the group must apply for the same hunt at each choice. The group application will go into the draw with the lowest number of preference points of any single member of the group. This means that if a group of three apply and they have four, nine and 14 points, the application will go into the draw with four points. CPW will not over allocate licenses to cover a group application if there are not enough permits left.
Licenses remaining after the primary drawing will be available in the secondary drawing. The secondary drawing is open to anyone — whether they applied in the primary drawing or not. Applicants must have purchased a qualifying license to apply for the secondary draw. The secondary draw does not use preference points and you cannot apply for preference points. Any licenses remaining after the secondary draw will be placed on the leftover list and available for purchase on leftover day, starting Aug. 4 at 9 a.m.
Most limited licenses that have been returned will be made available to other hunters through a reissue process. Returned limited licenses that took five or more preference points to draw will be offered to the next applicant in line — up to five applicants. Those that took four or fewer preference points to draw will be available to the public on the leftover list. Any additional reissued hunt codes that are not on the initial list will be added starting Aug. 11 and periodically thereafter.
Starting Aug. 6, OTC licenses will be available in person at sales agents, by phone at 1-800-244-5613, or online after the season starts. They are available at CPW locations only — except for OTC archery elk, OTC plains rifle either sex elk and OTC archery antelope licenses, which can be purchased at any sales agent.
The current Colorado elk population is 286,680 elk statewide. Colorado manages their herds in 31 different Data Analysis Units (DAU) with the various units placed in unit groups. The following tables will give you the estimated populations and bull:cow ratios for the top DAUs and the units within each group.
*Unit 20 referenced above is valid in the entire unit. Unit 851 Bosque Del Oso WA only is a 30,000-acre state wildlife area (SWA). Annually, elk move off of the adjacent private lands and winter on the SWA. The third and fourth rifle seasons here offer very good low-pressure hunts for great bulls. There are other hunts also, but the better hunts are later in the season.
Colorado is a great opportunity elk state and given that permits are allocated in a true preference point system, it’s relatively easy to see where the hidden gems might be by scrolling through the standalone draw odds. You can see that the hidden gems in Colorado are mostly tucked away in the hunts that can be drawn with zero to perhaps six or seven points and even the OTC areas produce nice bulls every year.
There were 36 archery draw hunts available last year. Of those, 28 hunts could have been drawn with zero to seven points. There were only three archery draw hunts that fell within the eight to 20 point range and there were five hunts that required more than 22 points. The muzzleloader and rifle hunts have similar ratios. If you are just getting into the system, consider drawing a license somewhere in the zero to seven point range to get back in the system and go hunting again.
There are 127 OTC archery units, 147 OTC second rifle season units, and 94 OTC third rifle season units. By utilizing our Filtering 2.0 feature, INSIDERs can filter by trophy potential, harvest success, bull:cow ratios, public land and the draw odds to narrow down the best hidden gem options. Visit the unit profiles, which offer terrain and other information like bull:cow ratios that can help you determine what unit is right for you. There are very good OTC options to hunt elk in Colorado.
Something to consider is that Colorado’s draw system is such that applicants can draw hunts as a second choice and still retain and build a point for that year. In this scenario, applicants could go hunting and still keep and build a preference point for the following year. In the table below, we have selected hunts that were good options as a second choice.
Colorado still has excellent OTC hunting opportunities for archery, second and third rifle seasons. Below we outline what we consider some of the best OTC hunts.
Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if any part of the unit is found within the county. Data provided below courtesy of the Boone and Crockett Club.
2020 maximum preference points for elk: 34
When reviewing the draw odds, it makes more sense to draw a permit every few years and go hunting because there are very few great options in the eight to 15 point range. Review the table above entitled, “Good hunts in the 0 to 7 preference point range.” Cross reference those with the population and bull:cow ratios to narrow your search down to the best options. There are also many more hunts that can be explored by using the trophy potential, harvest success, public land percentage filters built into Filtering and the standalone draw odds. There are so many options regardless of what weapon you want to hunt with or how many points you have.
As previously stated, there are not many good hunts that can be drawn if you fall within this range. If you have been building points under the assumption that you will eventually catch a Unit 10, 2 or 201 permit, do yourself a favor and visit the detailed draw odds page for those hunts and see how many people are ahead of you. The number of years you will wait to draw is staggering. If you would like to draw a permit within this range, some of the better hunts are listed below.
There are not many quality hunts representative of the number of points it takes to draw them. Research the point creep on the top-tier hunts to see if banking points are worth it.
If you would like to draw a permit within this range, some of the better hunts are listed below.
A lot of applicants in this range may be looking at top-tier Units: 2, 10 and 201. If you are a nonresident in the 16 to 20 point range, those hunts could still take a couple of decades to draw so be aware of that and check the detailed draw odds page to see how long the wait could be. Below are good options within this point range.
Every archery and muzzleloader hunt was available to residents at 24 points. Every early rifle hunt could have been drawn at 25 points. For nonresidents, the archery hunt in Unit 2 and 201 required 27 points; Unit 10 required 26. Muzzleloader hunts in Unit 2 and 201 required 28 points; Unit 10 required 27 points. Early rifle in Unit 1 required 25 points, Unit 61 required 26 points, Unit 2 and Unit 10 took 28 points. Unit 201 required 29 points. The last hunt worth a look within this range is the fourth rifle hunt in Unit 851 that required 26 points.
The antelope population has dipped some, dropping from a statewide estimated population of 85,280 to 79,290. Colorado also does not typically produce the trophy caliber of bucks that are found in Wyoming, New Mexico or Arizona. Overall, antelope hunting is more of an opportunity species rather than a trophy species in Colorado.
One of the biggest issues with hunting antelope in Colorado is finding good portions of public land and access in some of the areas where antelope herds are the largest. The largest herds in the state occur in Unit 110, 111, 118, 119, 123, 124; Unit 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 214, 301, 441 and Unit 128, 129, 133, 134, 135, 140, 141, 142, 147. If you look at a map of the units, you’ll see that most of those units are located on the eastern plains and there is very little public land. There may be some walk in or other accessible land to hunt, but it’s just going to take some additional work to find those.
There are other smaller pockets of antelope and good opportunities to hunt — it just takes some research. Colorado offers limited quota hunts for archery, muzzleloader and rifle antelope. There are also some units where you can still buy an OTC archery license. Within those areas, it’s difficult to find public land to hunt.
The draw system of antelope is similar to elk and deer; the applicants with the most preference points who apply for each hunt will draw the licenses. The antelope draw is slightly different in that there is no license quota split between residents and nonresidents.
For the limited quota archery, muzzleloader and OTC archery permits, use Filtering to search by draw odds and season. Then, filter down by harvest success and trophy potential to find those units that offer the best option.
Beyond that, some map and GPS work will allow you to whittle those units down to specific areas to hunt.
Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if any part of the unit is found within the county. Data provided below courtesy of the Boone and Crockett Club.
2020 maximum preference points for antelope: 32
There are some options. By using the draw odds portion of Filtering 2.0, you’ll find that there are permits you can draw for every season and weapon. Some of the best opportunities exist within the archery and muzzleloader seasons. Consider archery hunts in Unit 3, 301, 6, 16, 17, 161, 171, 67, 81, 87, 88, 49, 50, 500, 501, 68, 681, and 682. The muzzleloader hunt in Unit 87, 88, 89, 90, 95, and 951 is a good option. Rifle hunts in Unit 4, 5, 8, 18, 27, 28, 37, 181, 83, 87, 88, and 89 are worth researching if you are within this point range.
Archery hunts in Unit 11, 67, and 81 are good options. Consider muzzleloader hunts in Unit 3, 301, 6, 16, 17, 161, 171, 11, 49, 50, 57, 58, 500, 501, 581, 66 and 67. The best rifle options are Unit 3, 301, 7, 12, 211, and 82, 681.
Consider the muzzleloader hunt in Unit 68, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 681, 682 and 791. The rifle hunts in Unit 3, 301, 6, 16, 17, 171, 49, 50, 500, 501, 57, 58, 581 and 81 are the best options.
The archery hunt in Units 2 and 201 required 18 points. The muzzleloader hunt in Units 1, 2, and 201 required 16 points. The rifle hunt in Unit 2 and 201 required 21 points; Unit 10 required 22 points; Unit 67 required 18 points and Unit 551 required 16 points.
New secondary big game drawing will replace the leftover draw. Licenses remaining after the primary drawing will be available in the secondary drawing. The secondary drawing is open to anyone — whether they applied in the primary drawing or not (more on the secondary drawing under the draw system section below). Learn more here.
Every applicant must purchase a qualifying license to apply in a big game draw (primary or secondary). The annual qualifying license and habitat stamp will now be valid from March 1 to 31 of the following year (i.e. for 13 months).
The new 2020 to 2024 big game season structure starts in 2020. Be aware that season dates fluctuate. Review the dates for the hunts you are planning to apply for or purchase licenses for to make sure they meet your objectives.
New this year, there are some archery and muzzleloader bear licenses available in unlimited numbers as an “add on” license. You can add one of these licenses if you have a deer or elk license for the same method of take and at least one unit overlaps. Look for the “bear paw” symbol in the 2020 regulations brochure for those opportunities.
The Big Game Walk-In Access Program will now offer big game hunting on many properties across eastern Colorado. See page 12 and the current Regular Walk-in Atlas for more details.
Many float groups — groups of hunt codes where the quota is shared between them — have changed this year. Be sure to apply for the hunt code you wish to hunt as you may not be able to exchange your license once you receive it.
Previously over-the-counter (OTC), there are new limited archery hunts for bull elk in Units 44, 45, 47 and 444.
Previously OTC, there are new limited archery hunts in Units 70, 71, 72, 73, 711, 74, 741, 75, 751, 77, 78, 771. Applicants can apply for bull or cow hunts. The licenses are not either sex.
Second and third rifle seasons for either sex elk in Unit 83 are now limited and will be allocated through the draw.
Unit 214 has a new first season rifle bull elk hunt.
The boundary split in Unit 521 has been removed for second, third and fourth rifle season.
The deadline to apply for all species in Colorado is 8:00 p.m. MST on April 7, 2020.
You can only apply online here or by calling 1-800-244-5613.
Draw results will be available roughly June 3 to 7, 2020.
All applicants, including youth, must purchase a qualifying license before applying for the big game draw(s).
A qualifying license is one of the following:
Applicants do not have to front the cost of the licenses that they are applying for.
Applicants born after Jan. 1, 1949 must have completed an approved hunter’s education course before applying and you must carry your hunter’s education card with you while you hunt.
Hunters over the age of 50 or military personnel who have not completed hunter’s education can take a one-time online test to test out. The cost is $24.50 and you must pass with 90%.
Colorado is a preference point state for deer, elk and antelope (more on points below).
If you draw a license and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is unable to charge the credit card on file, you must pay for the license online or by phone or at a CPW office by June 19. If you do not, your license is surrendered and you lose both the license and any preference points you used to draw it.
If you drew a license you would like to return, payment for the license is still required first. You can then return it for a refund or preference point restoration. You must relinquish your license and carcass tag at least 30 days before the opening day of the season for which the license is valid.
Residents or Nonresidents
2020 annual resident or nonresident spring turkey
2020 annual small game license
2020 annual youth small game license
Residents Only
2020 annual resident combination small game/fishing license
Veteran's lifetime resident combination small game/fishing license
New in 2020: annual resident senior combo small game/fishing
New in 2020: disabled resident first responder lifetime combo small game/fishing
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 370”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle |
Resident points to draw | 23 (57%)23 (15%)24 (16%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 27 (100%)27 (17%)28 (22%) |
Unit | 851* |
Trophy potential | 370”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 8 (67%)6 (20%)17 (51%)15 (100%)22 (100%)18 (67%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 11 (100%)14 (100%)23 (100%)21 (100%)24 (33%)26 (100%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 360”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle |
Resident points to draw | 21 (15%)22 (67%)23 (54%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 27 (100%)27 (33%)27 (19%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 360”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 7 (7.9%)8 (67%)10 (15%)8 (29%)8 (13%)7 (36%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 12 (11%)18 (75%)23 (33%)17 (100%)14 (50%)14 (33%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 350”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle |
Resident points to draw | 19 (26%)21 (51%)22 (69%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 25 (14%)26 (50%)27 (33%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 350”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle |
Resident points to draw | 16 (50%)13 (100%)16 (14%) |
Nonresident points to draw | NANA24 (50%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 350”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifleFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 14 (87%)16 (71%)19 (92%)11 (7%)9 (86%)9 (86%)9 (86%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 22 (29%)23 (22%)25 (31%)22 (65%)21 (65%)21 (65%)21 (65%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 340”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 5 (78%)6 (52%)8 (15%)4 (41%)4 (41%)4 (41%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 5 (62%)12 (62%)12 (50%)4 (38%)4 (38%)4 (38%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 340”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifleFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifle |
Resident points to draw | 7 (29%)8 (42%)17 (30%)6 (14%)5 (79%)5 (65%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 14 (37%)20 (16%)22 (17%)15 (54%)13 (75%)10 (50%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 330”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifleLate rifleSecond late rifle |
Resident points to draw | 5 (100%)3 (100%)4 (100%)3 (40%)4 (100%)3 (50%)4 (46%)6 (100%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 5 (25%)11 (75%)16 (50%)6 (100%)5 (67%)5 (33%)6 (78%)9 (80%) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 330”+ |
Season offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 2 (66%)3 (32%)4 (45%)2 (52%)3 (61%)2 (43%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 2 (73%)4 (50%)4 (45%)2 (50%)4 (100%)4 (100%) |
Unit | Trophy potential | Season offered | Resident points to draw | Nonresident points to draw |
370”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle | 23 (57%)23 (15%)24 (16%) | 27 (100%)27 (17%)28 (22%) | |
851* | 370”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 8 (67%)6 (20%)17 (51%)15 (100%)22 (100%)18 (67%) | 11 (100%)14 (100%)23 (100%)21 (100%)24 (33%)26 (100%) |
360”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle | 21 (15%)22 (67%)23 (54%) | 27 (100%)27 (33%)27 (19%) | |
360”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 7 (7.9%)8 (67%)10 (15%)8 (29%)8 (13%)7 (36%) | 12 (11%)18 (75%)23 (33%)17 (100%)14 (50%)14 (33%) | |
350”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle | 19 (26%)21 (51%)22 (69%) | 25 (14%)26 (50%)27 (33%) | |
350”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifle | 16 (50%)13 (100%)16 (14%) | NANA24 (50%) | |
350”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifleFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 14 (87%)16 (71%)19 (92%)11 (7%)9 (86%)9 (86%)9 (86%) | 22 (29%)23 (22%)25 (31%)22 (65%)21 (65%)21 (65%)21 (65%) | |
340”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 5 (78%)6 (52%)8 (15%)4 (41%)4 (41%)4 (41%) | 5 (62%)12 (62%)12 (50%)4 (38%)4 (38%)4 (38%) | |
340”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderEarly rifleFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifle | 7 (29%)8 (42%)17 (30%)6 (14%)5 (79%)5 (65%) | 14 (37%)20 (16%)22 (17%)15 (54%)13 (75%)10 (50%) | |
330”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifleLate rifleSecond late rifle | 5 (100%)3 (100%)4 (100%)3 (40%)4 (100%)3 (50%)4 (46%)6 (100%) | 5 (25%)11 (75%)16 (50%)6 (100%)5 (67%)5 (33%)6 (78%)9 (80%) | |
330”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 2 (66%)3 (32%)4 (45%)2 (52%)3 (61%)2 (43%) | 2 (73%)4 (50%)4 (45%)2 (50%)4 (100%)4 (100%) |
County | Las Animas |
No. ofentries | 5 |
Units found within county | 85 / 133 / 134 / 136 / 137 / 140 / 141 / 142 / 143 / 147 / 851 |
County | Fremont |
No. ofentries | 3 |
Units found within county | |
County | Moffat |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units found within county | 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 201 / 211 / 301 / 441 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Second rifle: 16%Third rifle: 23% |
Bull:cow ratio | 16:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 280”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 10%Second rifle: 12%Third rifle: 11% |
Bull:cow ratio | 16:10 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 9%Second rifle: 10%Third rifle: 9% |
Bull:cow ratio | 34:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 280”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 7%Second rifle: 18%Third rifle: 10% |
Bull:cow ratio | 34:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 7%Second rifle: 7%Third rifle: 16% |
Bull:cow ratio | 27:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 8%Second rifle: 4%Third rifle: 16% |
Bull:cow ratio | NA |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 9%Second rifle: 11%Third rifle: 17% |
Bull:cow ratio | 23:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 6%Second rifle: 11%Third rifle: 10% |
Bull:cow ratio | 23:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 7%Second rifle: 6%Third rifle: 17% |
Bull:cow ratio | 25:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 3%Second rifle: 18%Third rifle: 14% |
Bull:cow ratio | 25:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 15%Second rifle: 23%Third rifle: 13% |
Bull:cow ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 16%Second rifle: 23%Third rifle: 20% |
Bull:cow ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 13%Second rifle: 16%Third rifle: 24% |
Bull:cow ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 11%Second rifle: 17%Third rifle: 11% |
Bull:cow ratio | 16:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 11%Second rifle: 24%Third rifle: 22% |
Bull:cow ratio | 21:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Second rifle: 26%Third rifle: 17% |
Bull:cow ratio | 15:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Harvest success | Second rifle: 21%Third rifle: 21% |
Bull:cow ratio | 15:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 6%Second rifle: 11%Third rifle: 8% |
Bull:cow ratio | 22:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Harvest success | Archey: 14%Second rifle: 18%Third rifle: 13% |
Bull:cow ratio | 26:100 |
Unit | Trophypotential | Harvest success | Bull:cow ratio |
300”+ | Second rifle: 16%Third rifle: 23% | 16:100 | |
280”+ | Archey: 10%Second rifle: 12%Third rifle: 11% | 16:10 | |
300”+ | Archey: 9%Second rifle: 10%Third rifle: 9% | 34:100 | |
280”+ | Archey: 7%Second rifle: 18%Third rifle: 10% | 34:100 | |
310”+ | Archey: 7%Second rifle: 7%Third rifle: 16% | 27:100 | |
300”+ | Archey: 8%Second rifle: 4%Third rifle: 16% | NA | |
300”+ | Archey: 9%Second rifle: 11%Third rifle: 17% | 23:100 | |
300”+ | Archey: 6%Second rifle: 11%Third rifle: 10% | 23:100 | |
310”+ | Archey: 7%Second rifle: 6%Third rifle: 17% | 25:100 | |
310”+ | Archey: 3%Second rifle: 18%Third rifle: 14% | 25:100 | |
320”+ | Archey: 15%Second rifle: 23%Third rifle: 13% | 24:100 | |
310”+ | Archey: 16%Second rifle: 23%Third rifle: 20% | 24:100 | |
310”+ | Archey: 13%Second rifle: 16%Third rifle: 24% | 24:100 | |
320”+ | Archey: 11%Second rifle: 17%Third rifle: 11% | 16:100 | |
300”+ | Archey: 11%Second rifle: 24%Third rifle: 22% | 21:100 | |
300”+ | Second rifle: 26%Third rifle: 17% | 15:100 | |
300”+ | Second rifle: 21%Third rifle: 21% | 15:100 | |
310”+ | Archey: 6%Second rifle: 11%Third rifle: 8% | 22:100 | |
310”+ | Archey: 14%Second rifle: 18%Third rifle: 13% | 26:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 340”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle Second rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 5 (78%)6 (52%)NA4 (41%)4 (41%)4 (41%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 5 (62%)NANA4 (38%)4 (38%)4 (38%)< |
Harvest success | 21%23%45%22%42%50% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifleLate rifleSecond late rifle |
Resident points to draw | 5 (100%)3 (100%)4 (100%)3 (40%)4 (100%)3 (50%)4 (46%)6 (100%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 5 (25%)NANA6 (100%)5 (67%)5 (33%)6 (78%)NA |
Harvest success | 25%58%24%45%67%59%52%52% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 2 (66%)3 (32%)4 (45%)2 (52%)3 (61%)2 (43%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 2 (73%)4 (50%)4 (45%)2 (50%)4 (100%)4 (100%) |
Harvest success | 26% (84)42% (84)30%17% (69)68% (69)47% (84) |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 3 (92%)2 (62%)3 (50%)2 (76%)2 (76%)2 (76%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 2 (17%)6 (75%)4 (36%)2 (75%)2 (75%)2 (75%) |
Harvest success | 12%25%16%15%37%44% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 1 (24%)5 (100%)0 (38%)0 (91%)0 (58%)0 (50%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 6 (62%)NA2 (38%)0 (14%)1 (88%)1 (50%) |
Harvest success | 34%33%38%31%47%27% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 1 (11%)2 (33%)0 (89%)0 (100%)0 (48%)0 (55%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 3 (39%)NA0 (68%)0 (100%)0 (59%)0 (17%) |
Harvest success | 27%26%24%17%54%25% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle |
Resident points to draw | 1 (52%)1 (41%)2 (24%)2 (32%)2 (4.7%)1 (27%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 1 (50%)2 (43%)3 (86%)2 (20%)3 (100%)1 (60%) |
Harvest success | 18% (58)33% (58)46% (57)40% (58)21% (57)44% (57) |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle |
Resident points to draw | New hunt0 (100%)0 (21%) |
Nonresident points to draw | New hunt0 (100%)0 (21%) |
Harvest success | NA28% (444)43% (444) |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifle |
Resident points to draw | 1 (37%)2 (43%)2 (53%)1 (84%)1 (84%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 1 (55%)7 (67%)3 (8.3%)1 (100%)1 (100%) |
Harvest success | 10%29%63%33%33% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifle |
Resident points to draw | 2 (57%)1 (88%)1 (67%)2 (78%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 3 (100%)1 (100%)NA2 (100%) |
Harvest success | 33%23%33%67% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle |
Resident points to draw | 0 (99%)2 (93%)0 (100%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 0 (8.6%)3 (14%)0 (100%) |
Harvest success | 17% (23)32% (23)35% (211) |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300”+ |
Season | MuzzleloaderFirst rifleFourh rifle |
Resident points to draw | 1 (46%)0 (32%)0 (63%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 4 (71%)0 (17%)0 (78%) |
Harvest success | 23% (81)23% (81)19% (80) |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 280”+ |
Season | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle |
Resident points to draw | 0 (70%)2 (87%)0 (100%) |
Nonresident points to draw | 2 (42%)NA0 (100%) |
Harvest success | 17% (12&23)42% (12)35% (211) |
Unit | Trophypotential | Season | Resident points to draw | Nonresident points to draw | Harvest success |
340”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle Second rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 5 (78%)6 (52%)NA4 (41%)4 (41%)4 (41%) | 5 (62%)NANA4 (38%)4 (38%)4 (38%)< | 21%23%45%22%42%50% | |
330”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifleLate rifleSecond late rifle | 5 (100%)3 (100%)4 (100%)3 (40%)4 (100%)3 (50%)4 (46%)6 (100%) | 5 (25%)NANA6 (100%)5 (67%)5 (33%)6 (78%)NA | 25%58%24%45%67%59%52%52% | |
330”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 2 (66%)3 (32%)4 (45%)2 (52%)3 (61%)2 (43%) | 2 (73%)4 (50%)4 (45%)2 (50%)4 (100%)4 (100%) | 26% (84)42% (84)30%17% (69)68% (69)47% (84) | |
330”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 3 (92%)2 (62%)3 (50%)2 (76%)2 (76%)2 (76%) | 2 (17%)6 (75%)4 (36%)2 (75%)2 (75%)2 (75%) | 12%25%16%15%37%44% | |
320”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 1 (24%)5 (100%)0 (38%)0 (91%)0 (58%)0 (50%) | 6 (62%)NA2 (38%)0 (14%)1 (88%)1 (50%) | 34%33%38%31%47%27% | |
320”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 1 (11%)2 (33%)0 (89%)0 (100%)0 (48%)0 (55%) | 3 (39%)NA0 (68%)0 (100%)0 (59%)0 (17%) | 27%26%24%17%54%25% | |
310”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifleFourth rifle | 1 (52%)1 (41%)2 (24%)2 (32%)2 (4.7%)1 (27%) | 1 (50%)2 (43%)3 (86%)2 (20%)3 (100%)1 (60%) | 18% (58)33% (58)46% (57)40% (58)21% (57)44% (57) | |
310”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle | New hunt0 (100%)0 (21%) | New hunt0 (100%)0 (21%) | NA28% (444)43% (444) | |
310”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifleThird rifle | 1 (37%)2 (43%)2 (53%)1 (84%)1 (84%) | 1 (55%)7 (67%)3 (8.3%)1 (100%)1 (100%) | 10%29%63%33%33% | |
300”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifleSecond rifle | 2 (57%)1 (88%)1 (67%)2 (78%) | 3 (100%)1 (100%)NA2 (100%) | 33%23%33%67% | |
300”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle | 0 (99%)2 (93%)0 (100%) | 0 (8.6%)3 (14%)0 (100%) | 17% (23)32% (23)35% (211) | |
300”+ | MuzzleloaderFirst rifleFourh rifle | 1 (46%)0 (32%)0 (63%) | 4 (71%)0 (17%)0 (78%) | 23% (81)23% (81)19% (80) | |
280”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderFirst rifle | 0 (70%)2 (87%)0 (100%) | 2 (42%)NA0 (100%) | 17% (12&23)42% (12)35% (211) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 24% - muzzleloader |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 32% - muzzleloader |
Harvest success | 17% (15) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - fourth rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - fourth rifle |
Harvest success | 39% (13) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 43% - muzzleloader66% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 45% - muzzleloader44% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 19% (181)23% |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 69% - muzzleloader |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 54% - muzzleloader |
Harvest success | 21% (361) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 3.6% - fourth rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - fourth rifle |
Harvest success | 44% (36) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - third rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - third rifle |
Harvest success | 47% |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 72% - muzzleloader |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 64% - muzzleloader |
Harvest success | 28% (444) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 22% - second rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 30% - second rifle |
Harvest success | 17% |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - muzzleloader54% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - muzzleloader29% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 100% (741)14% (741) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - muzzleloader100% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - muzzleloader100% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 19% (75)26% (75) |
Unit | 11 / 12 / 13 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 33 / 34 / 131 / 211 / 231 |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 35% (211) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 30% (31) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 100% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 38% (52) |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 28% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 32% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 29% |
Unit | |
Resident second choice to draw | 100% - first rifle |
Nonresident second choice to draw | 45% - first rifle |
Harvest success | 38% |
Unit | Resident second choice to draw | Nonresident second choice to draw | Harvest success |
24% - muzzleloader | 32% - muzzleloader | 17% (15) | |
100% - fourth rifle | 100% - fourth rifle | 39% (13) | |
43% - muzzleloader66% - first rifle | 45% - muzzleloader44% - first rifle | 19% (181)23% | |
69% - muzzleloader | 54% - muzzleloader | 21% (361) | |
3.6% - fourth rifle | 100% - fourth rifle | 44% (36) | |
100% - third rifle | 100% - third rifle | 47% | |
72% - muzzleloader | 64% - muzzleloader | 28% (444) | |
22% - second rifle | 30% - second rifle | 17% | |
100% - muzzleloader54% - first rifle | 100% - muzzleloader29% - first rifle | 100% (741)14% (741) | |
100% - muzzleloader100% - first rifle | 100% - muzzleloader100% - first rifle | 19% (75)26% (75) | |
11 / 12 / 13 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 33 / 34 / 131 / 211 / 231 | 100% - first rifle | 100% - first rifle | 35% (211) |
100% - first rifle | 100% - first rifle | 30% (31) | |
100% - first rifle | 100% - first rifle | 38% (52) | |
28% - first rifle | 32% - first rifle | 29% | |
100% - first rifle | 45% - first rifle | 38% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | Muzzleloader |
Preference points to draw | 15 (20%) |
Harvest success | 100% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryRifle |
Preference points to draw | 18 (100%)20 (21%) |
Harvest success | 33%61% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderRifle |
Preference points to draw | 4 (19%)5 (14%)9 (37%) |
Harvest success | 68% (3)89% (3)78% (3) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryMuzzleloader |
Preference points to draw | 2 (92%)5 (7.7%) |
Harvest success | 38% (161)81% (161) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderRifle |
Preference points to draw | 9 (60%)8 (100%)15 (64%) |
Harvest success | 40%80%89% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryMuzzleloaderRifle |
Preference points to draw | 5 (29%)7 (67%)17 (47%) |
Harvest success | 20%100%80% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | Muzzleloader |
Preference points to draw | 10 (40%) |
Harvest success | 100% (79, 82) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | Rifle |
Preference points to draw | 10 (53%) |
Harvest success | 80% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryRifle |
Preference points to draw | 5 (29%)13 (21%) |
Harvest success | 33%100% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | Rifle |
Preference points to draw | 15 (50%) |
Harvest success | 95% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryRifle |
Preference points to draw | 1 (93%)4 (47%) |
Harvest success | 24%71% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 80”+ |
Seasons offered | Muzzleloader |
Preference points to draw | 2 (32%) |
Harvest success | 69% (88) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 75”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryRifle |
Preference points to draw | 0 (89%)4 (87%) |
Harvest success | 17%66% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 75”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryRifle |
Preference points to draw | OTC2 (77%) |
Harvest success | 15%79% |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 75”+ |
Seasons offered | ArcheryRifle |
Preference points to draw | 2 (29%)11 (100%) |
Harvest success | 48% (50)81% (50) |
Unit | |
Trophy potential | 75”+ |
Seasons offered | Muzzleloader |
Preference points to draw | 6 (100%) |
Harvest success | 100% (581) |
Unit | Trophy potential | Seasons offered | Preference points to draw | Harvest success |
80”+ | Muzzleloader | 15 (20%) | 100% | |
80”+ | ArcheryRifle | 18 (100%)20 (21%) | 33%61% | |
80”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderRifle | 4 (19%)5 (14%)9 (37%) | 68% (3)89% (3)78% (3) | |
80”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloader | 2 (92%)5 (7.7%) | 38% (161)81% (161) | |
80”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderRifle | 9 (60%)8 (100%)15 (64%) | 40%80%89% | |
80”+ | ArcheryMuzzleloaderRifle | 5 (29%)7 (67%)17 (47%) | 20%100%80% | |
80”+ | Muzzleloader | 10 (40%) | 100% (79, 82) | |
80”+ | Rifle | 10 (53%) | 80% | |
80”+ | ArcheryRifle | 5 (29%)13 (21%) | 33%100% | |
80”+ | Rifle | 15 (50%) | 95% | |
80”+ | ArcheryRifle | 1 (93%)4 (47%) | 24%71% | |
80”+ | Muzzleloader | 2 (32%) | 69% (88) | |
75”+ | ArcheryRifle | 0 (89%)4 (87%) | 17%66% | |
75”+ | ArcheryRifle | OTC2 (77%) | 15%79% | |
75”+ | ArcheryRifle | 2 (29%)11 (100%) | 48% (50)81% (50) | |
75”+ | Muzzleloader | 6 (100%) | 100% (581) |
County | Las Animas |
No. ofentries | 13 |
Units foundwithin county | 85 / 128 / 133 / 134 / 135 / 136 / 137 / 140 / 141 / 142 / 143 / 147 / 851 |
County | Moffat |
No. ofentries | 7 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Huerfano |
No. ofentries | 5 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Jackson |
No. ofentries | 4 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Lincoln |
No. ofentries | 4 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Park |
No. ofentries | 4 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Rio Grande |
No. ofentries | 3 |
Units foundwithin county |
Unit | |
2018 population | 1,630 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 22:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 24,080 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 16:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 6,480 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 34:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 4,160 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 8,070 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 22:100 |
Unit | 11 / 12 / 13 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 33 / 34 / 131 / 211 / 231 |
2018 population | 45,870 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 23:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 5,750 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 30:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 4,480 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 27:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 2,380 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 47:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 11,070 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 5,080 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 52:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 3,730 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 25:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 5,880 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 42:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 13,340 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 26:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 4,240 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 6,060 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 22:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 3,420 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 26:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 2,190 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 36:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 3,400 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 23:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 9,540 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 16:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 1,640 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 70:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 3,800 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 31:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 3,940 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 25:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 16,890 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 17:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 6,560 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 22:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 3,710 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 18:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 2,090 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 22:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 2,080 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 39:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 4,810 |
Population trend | No change |
Bull:cow ratio | 16:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 18,690 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 15:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 10,320 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 20:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 16,200 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 22:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 5,100 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 28:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 6,190 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 21:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 1,230 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 26:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 2,270 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 33:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 2,810 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 40:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 4,650 |
Population trend | Down |
Bull:cow ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 200 |
Population trend | No change |
Bull:cow ratio | 33:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 1,480 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 15:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 1,020 |
Population trend | Up |
Bull:cow ratio | 19:100 |
Unit | |
2018 population | 150 |
Population trend | No change |
Bull:cow ratio | 18:100 |
Unit | 2018 population | Population trend | Bull:cow ratio |
1,630 | Up | 22:100 | |
24,080 | Down | 16:100 | |
6,480 | Up | 34:100 | |
4,160 | Down | 24:100 | |
8,070 | Up | 22:100 | |
11 / 12 / 13 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 33 / 34 / 131 / 211 / 231 | 45,870 | Up | 23:100 |
5,750 | Down | 30:100 | |
4,480 | Down | 27:100 | |
2,380 | Up | 47:100 | |
11,070 | Down | 24:100 | |
5,080 | Up | 52:100 | |
3,730 | Up | 25:100 | |
5,880 | Down | 42:100 | |
13,340 | Down | 26:100 | |
4,240 | Down | 24:100 | |
6,060 | Up | 22:100 | |
3,420 | Down | 26:100 | |
2,190 | Up | 36:100 | |
3,400 | Up | 23:100 | |
9,540 | Up | 16:100 | |
1,640 | Down | 70:100 | |
3,800 | Down | 31:100 | |
3,940 | Up | 25:100 | |
16,890 | Down | 17:100 | |
6,560 | Up | 22:100 | |
3,710 | Up | 18:100 | |
2,090 | Up | 22:100 | |
2,080 | Down | 39:100 | |
4,810 | No change | 16:100 | |
18,690 | Down | 15:100 | |
10,320 | Down | 20:100 | |
16,200 | Down | 22:100 | |
5,100 | Down | 28:100 | |
6,190 | Up | 21:100 | |
1,230 | Up | 26:100 | |
2,270 | Up | 33:100 | |
2,810 | Up | 40:100 | |
4,650 | Down | 24:100 | |
200 | No change | 33:100 | |
1,480 | Up | 15:100 | |
1,020 | Up | 19:100 | |
150 | No change | 18:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 6,680 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 40:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,720 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 29:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,660 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 35:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 640 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 18:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 3,620 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 42:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 3,030 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 21:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 10,440 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 46:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 11,270 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 53:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 17,010 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 42:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 360 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 15:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,010 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 36:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,500 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 60:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 3,150 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 25:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,860 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 19:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 580 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 15:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 700 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 79:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,800 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 2,010 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 24:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 250 |
Population trend | NA |
Buck:doe ratio | 88:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 350 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 57:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,380 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 39:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 280 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 69:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 1,010 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 45:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 360 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 52:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 4,940 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 40:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 650 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 30:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 850 |
Population trend | Down |
Buck:doe ratio | 95:100 |
Unit | |
2019 population | 180 |
Population trend | Up |
Buck:doe ratio | 19:100 |
Unit | 2019 population | Population trend | Buck:doe ratio |
6,680 | Down | 40:100 | |
1,720 | Up | 29:100 | |
1,660 | Down | 35:100 | |
640 | Down | 18:100 | |
3,620 | Up | 42:100 | |
3,030 | Down | 21:100 | |
10,440 | Up | 46:100 | |
11,270 | Down | 53:100 | |
17,010 | Down | 42:100 | |
360 | Down | 15:100 | |
1,010 | Down | 36:100 | |
1,500 | Up | 60:100 | |
3,150 | Down | 25:100 | |
1,860 | Up | 19:100 | |
580 | Down | 15:100 | |
700 | Up | 79:100 | |
1,800 | Down | 24:100 | |
2,010 | Down | 24:100 | |
250 | NA | 88:100 | |
350 | Down | 57:100 | |
1,380 | Up | 39:100 | |
280 | Down | 69:100 | |
1,010 | Down | 45:100 | |
360 | Up | 52:100 | |
4,940 | Up | 40:100 | |
650 | Down | 30:100 | |
850 | Down | 95:100 | |
180 | Up | 19:100 |