Get off the main trails and find deer on unpressured south-facing slopes with water
Keep moving until you find deer, they are widely scattered
general Size
trophy potential
Mule Deer
Whitetail Deer
On The Ground
Camping and Lodging
Historical Temperatures
Moon Phases
March 2025
These big, roadless mountains are as about as pristine as you can find, with old growth conifer forests and numerous rocky peaks well over timberline dotted with alpine lakes. There are several deep valley drainages, most of which eventually feed Icicle Creek to the east. Over the years, just a few small wildfires have lightly touched the unit. High buck hunts in the Cascades have been very popular for hunters who ride in on horseback or backpack in. Overnight camping in the five zones within the Enchantment requires a permit from the U.S. Forest Service and is on a lottery drawing system. Alpine Lakes Wilderness will get you up high for early season rifle and archery seasons. Deer densities will be low, but small bachelor herds can be glassed up on wet, south facing slopes away from pressure. This is high elevation country with Cannon Mountain topping out above timberline at 8,579-ft on the border between Colchuck and Core Enchantment zones. Snows can arrive early during hunting seasons, so be prepared. There are very few elk here, and they are widely distributed in small groups making them hard to find. Black bears, cougars, blue grouse and ruffed grouse hunting opportunities are also found in this region. Whitetail numbers are low, the few that are in the unit are mainly found along the riparian habitat. The grizzly bear recovery zone overlaps this GMU.
There are not a lot of deer in this unit.
This unit has numerous rock mountains, deep cut canyons, and many lakes. Old growth conifer forests and woodlands dominate the unit, with open meadows and grassland taking up a small percentage of the acres. Above timberline, talus slopes and cliffs attract mountain climbers and hikers, especially in the late summer.
A majority of the vegetation here is old growth conifer forests consisting of ponderosa pine, fir, and aspen. At and above timberline, there are a variety of fast growing grasses and forbs in this short growing season, along with windblown scrub pine and lichen. Following the bottoms of the valleys and draws along water sources, you will find buckbrush, reed grass, and a variety of wildflowers.
There is basically no road system in this unit. The best way to access this country is by coming in on horseback or hiking in.
Overnight permits in the Enchantment Permit Area Zones are distributed by the U.S. Forest Service on a lottery basis. Primitive camping in the National Forest is allowed for the majority of the year, however, various fire bans and forest road closures may be in effect, so double check any restrictions or permits necessary prior to your trip. If you are more interested in a bed and a shower, and being closer to gas stations, restaurants, and a grocery store, your best option will be in the small town of Leavenworth, but it is well outside of the GMU.