Quick Tips
- You need to be in good physical condition
- Bring good optics and good quality clothing that can withstand the elements
- Always pack bear spray as you are in grizzly country
On The Ground
This district lies south of Bozeman and runs south to Yellowstone National Park. This area encompasses the entire Gallatin Range from the Yellowstone River on the east to the Gallatin River on the west. This is steep, rough mountainous country.
This district has the potential to produce a billy in the 9” range or better. Goats are widely scattered in this district and are generally found along the mountain divide. Goat populations are down from historic highs but are stable. Billies typically range from 8-9”
This area is steep and rocky with peaks up to 10,300 feet. Most of the goat hunting will be done at and above timberline. Elevation gains of 3,000 feet can be a daily experience. Some of the mountain peaks are sheer rock faces that are unhuntable. The creek bottoms have timber and water.
Roughly 1,011 square miles
58.2% public land
Elevations from 5,500-10,300 feet
The creek bottoms have spruce, fir and pine trees. Most of the timber is getting scarce by mid elevation and it turns to sub-alpine grasses and forbs with a mix of sub alpine fir and Whitebark pine. The upper elevations are mostly rocky ridges and sheer rock mountain faces, with pockets of alpine plants, moss and lichens.
There is good access into this district from numerous Forest Service access roads and trailheads. The best access points are Hyalite Lake on the north, Tom Miner Basin on the southeast and Storm Castle on the west. The rest is backpacking or horseback into the goat habitat. There are relatively good maintained Forest Service trails throughout the area and one actually follows the divide from the north to the south. Later in the season snow can make it difficult to access this district.
ATVs are not allowed into a majority of the area
Highway 89 will take you to Tom Miner access, Hyalite Reservoir Road and Highway 191 will take you to Storm Castle.
Camping and Lodging
There are excellent camping spots that have water, firewood and protection. Some will provide glassing of goats from camp. It is possible to camp at some of the trailheads and day hunt from here if you are in excellent condition or have horses.
Historical Temperatures