New Mexico | Application item |
Idaho | Cost |
Refundable | |
Cost | |
Refundable | |
New Mexico | Annual hunting license |
Idaho | $65 |
Yes | |
$154.75 | |
No | |
New Mexico | Application fee |
Idaho | $13 |
No | |
$14.75 | |
No | |
New Mexico | Online processing fee |
Idaho | N/A |
N/A | |
$21.08 | |
No | |
New Mexico | Elk tag |
Idaho | $773* |
Yes | |
$416.75 | |
Yes | |
New Mexico | Total out of pocket |
Idaho | $851 |
| |
$607.33 | |
| |
New Mexico | Refunded if unsuccessful |
Idaho | $838 |
| |
$416.75 | |
| |
New Mexico | Net cost to apply |
Idaho | $13 |
| |
$190.58 | |
New Mexico | Idaho | |||
Application item | Cost | Refundable | Cost | Refundable |
Annual hunting license | $65 | Yes | $154.75 | No |
Application fee | $13 | No | $14.75 | No |
Online processing fee | N/A | N/A | $21.08 | No |
Elk tag | $773* | Yes | $416.75 | Yes |
Total out of pocket | $851 |
| $607.33 |
Refunded if unsuccessful | $838 |
| $416.75 |
Net cost to apply | $13 |
| $190.58 |
Example of New Mexico's new notched tag system.
February 2017 New Mexico drought status comparison. Source: New Mexico Drought Monitor
A great elk taken with Graham's Guide Service — A goHUNT Business Member
New Mexico elk taken with Brugman's Outfitting Service — A goHUNT Business Member
New Mexico elk taken with T and R Outfitting and Guide Service — A goHUNT Business Member
Bull elk taken with Ridgeline Outfitters — A goHUNT Business Member
New Mexico elk taken with A3 Trophy Hunts New Mexico — A goHUNT Business Member
If you want to go after some of the biggest bulls on the continent, you need to be applying in New Mexico! Elk continue to thrive in New Mexico thanks to relatively low predation and mild winters. While 2017 was a very dry year, 2018 has the potential to see above average rainfall. Don't miss out on a chance to chase big bulls in the southwest!
Note: The application deadline for all fall hunts is March 21, 2018 by 5:00 p.m. MST. Apply online here.
Everybody has the same chance of drawing! Just the right amount of luck can provide you with an opportunity of a lifetime.
If you are willing to hire an outfitter, you can increase your odds of drawing. The outfitter draw receives a special allocation of tags and, by contracting with an outfitter prior to applying, you can gain an edge on the competition. Check out the guided draw odds on our standalone draw odds page under New Mexico. Also be sure to check a recent article on the benefits of the guide draw here.
Some of the best elk habitat in the country is found in the Gila and Cibola National Forests in New Mexico, both of which are almost exclusively public land. This means that if you draw a tag, you have a legitimate chance at finding a true bull of a lifetime on public land.
Applying in New Mexico for elk is a no-brainer if you think about it. If you're unsuccessful in the draw, your hunting license cost can be refunded so you are only out $13.
Applying in New Mexico for elk once again makes sense when compared to Idaho, which also doesn't have a bonus points program.
* Quality and High Demand price. Standard license price would be $548.
Licenses for the 2018–19 license year that begins April 1, will be available online, by telephone and at license vendors and NMDGF offices beginning March 22.
A license may be donated to NMDGF for transfer to a youth (17 years of age or younger), a resident veteran or a resident first responder who has been qualified through a nonprofit organization that promotes hunting.
Upon conviction, a person may be sentenced to $5,000 and 18 months in prison. Convicted felons cannot possess a firearm, may not vote and are ineligible to become outfitters or guides.
Private-land elk and pronghorn antelope licenses and tags are now available at license vendors in addition to NMDGF offices.
Outfitters and guides can review the new rule here.
A free mobile app is available from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Powered by Pocket Ranger®, the mobile app offers easy access to maps, fishing reports, license purchases, rules and regulations, Operation Game Thief and "New Mexico Wildlife" magazine.
View important information and an overview of New Mexico’s rules/regulations, the draw system, tag and license fees and an interactive boundary line map on our State Profile. You can also view the New Mexico species profiles to access historical and statistical data to help you locate trophy units.
Due to minimal precipitation during the summer of 2017, most of New Mexico is experiencing severe drought conditions. As of February 20, 2018, 99.92% of the state is experiencing some sort of drought conditions. This means that winter kill will be minimal, however, mortality will become an issue as things warm up if the weather patterns do not change. 2018 has the potential to bring above average rainfall which would mean above average antler growth. Keep an eye on precipitation levels as the months go by.
Below you will find a comparison to February 28, 2017, when 77% of the state was experiencing zero drought conditions.
There are currently fewer than 100 Mexican wolves in the wild within the state. Up until 2014, the population had been slowly increasing, but it has seen a recent decrease, according to a recent study in the state. The federal government and the State of New Mexico are currently in litigation over the federal government’s plan to release more wolves in the state. There have not been any additional wolves released because of this litigation, which means that herds have not been recently affected.
A great elk taken with Graham's Guide Service — A GOHUNT Business Member
You must purchase an annual big game hunting license in order to apply for a big game species. This license can be purchased online at the time of application or at a New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) office. The license is valid for the calendar year.
All draw applications are entered into an automated system that randomly assigns each application a sequence number. Based on this number, the system matches the first, second, third choices on the application with available tags. If all choices have already been awarded, the system advances to the next application. New Mexico does not grant preference or bonus points to unsuccessful applicants. If an applicant selects a fourth choice hunt, he/she will be placed in a second pool from which tags may be awarded if a hunt has not met its full number. Only successful applicants will be notified by email. An unsuccessful applicant will not be notified but may check their NMDGF account online. For more information about the Draw Hunt System, click here.
Remember that New Mexico distributes their elk permits under this quota:
If you want to improve your chances at drawing a tag and you are willing to hire an outfitter if you draw, then use our Outfitter Directory to find a New Mexico outfitter to contract prior to the draw. The outfitter will then assist you in the application process.
Because the draw system is not based on points, your chances of drawing are the same as everyone else who applied for the same tags. Since the New Mexico draw system will consider your first three choices before moving on to the next applicant, the order that you select a hunt choice has a significant impact on your odds of drawing that choice. Be sure to list your preferred hunt first as you will have the greatest chance of drawing your first choice. For an in-depth breakdown of your draw odds for any given hunt, be sure to check out the Draw Odds tool.
If you want to go after some of the biggest bulls on the continent, you need to be applying in New Mexico! Elk continue to thrive in New Mexico thanks to relatively low predation and mild winters. While 2017 was a very dry year, 2018 has the potential to see above average rainfall. Don't miss out on a chance to chase big bulls in the southwest!
The prime time to pursue elk in New Mexico is during the rut between Sept. 20 and Oct. 10. With this in mind, focusing on hunts that coincide with the rut will give you the best chance of tagging a quality bull. The second September archery season, as well as the early rifle and muzzleloader seasons in October, offer the best chance of being in the rut. Youth-only and mobility-impaired hunts also take place in the first week of October and offer good rut action with a firearm.
Beyond the top shelf units in New Mexico are quite a few others that are more easily drawn and still allow a chance at taking a mature bull scoring greater than 320”. Utilize our Filtering 2.0 tools and manipulate the Trophy Potential to display the units that have a legitimate chance at bulls that score 320” or better. Customize your search and click on a specific unit to access the Unit Profile in order to gain the greatest resource available to thoroughly learn a unit. Our New Mexico Elk Species Profile is another great way to determine other units in the state to consider. Within the New Mexico Elk Species Profile you will find a table showing the top B&C producing units over the years for both typical and nontypical bulls.
Since there are no bonus or preference points in New Mexico, everyone has the same chance of drawing a given tag. Do the work up front to find the hunts that offer the best chance at both drawing a tag and tagging a quality animal.
For 2018, we have added Draw Odds for all female species. In New Mexico, there are some great opportunities for elk in the way of antlerless licenses. You can find your draw odds below.
Find your resident antlerless elk draw odds here
Find your nonresident antlerless elk draw odds here
Contracting with a guide can increase your draw odds enough to give you the edge you are looking for. While it does not guarantee that you will draw, it does give you slightly better odds of drawing a tag, not to mention a better chance at filling that coveted tag. Use the Guided Draw filter in Filtering 2.0 to see the Draw Odds for a given hunt.
Male to female ratios are a critical measuring data tool for wildlife managers and indicate the current status of the herd. A higher bull to cow ratio may indicate that a unit could have a higher availability of mature bulls compared to a unit with a lower bull to cow ratio. This doesn’t always indicate that the bulls will be the highest scoring bulls, but more bulls equates to more bulls to find and harvest. When selecting a unit, or comparing several units, take this into consideration to help your decision. For a complete understanding of male to female ratios, please refer to a recent article covering this in-depth. The best way to find the units with the best bull to cow ratios is to use Filtering 2.0 under New Mexico elk. Then, sort the results by male to female ratio. You can jump to those results here.
Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if any part of the unit is found within the county. Data provided below courtesy of the Boone and Crockett Club.
Bull elk taken with Ridgeline Outfitters — A GOHUNT Business Member
Remember that you get three choices and all three choices are considered when your application is drawn and if all three of your choices are full, then you are out of luck. Always list the season that you have the lowest chance of drawing first. Your third choice should be the option with the best chance of drawing. If your biggest concern is maximizing draw odds and harvest opportunity, consider contracting with a guide to increase your chances.
If trophy quality is your main focus, you can do one of two things: (1) select three hunts from the units on our Hit List units above and call it a day; or (2) use our Filtering 2.0 and Draw Odds tools to select your three hunt choices. Filter based on trophy potential, paying special attention to Units 6B, 13, 15, 16A, 16D, 17, 34, and 36. It might take a few years to draw the tag you want, but you'll be glad you were patient when you do finally draw the tag you have been waiting for. You're in for some of the best elk hunting in North America!
A good way to go about researching potential trophy elk units in New Mexico would be to use Filtering 2.0, select elk, adjust the trophy potential slider to the desired size and then select your residency. With New Mexico's draw system, Filtering 2.0 is very powerful because you can see how many people applied for each hunt as well as the draw odds.
Since everyone has the same chance of drawing, you will want to focus on the hunts that offer the best balance of draw odds and harvest success. Applying for only the best trophy units doesn't make much sense when you really just want to go hunting. At the same time, drawing a tag in a unit with little elk doesn't give you much incentive to make a trip from out of state. Utilize Draw Odds and Filtering 2.0 to zero in on the hunts that will offer a higher than 25% success rate and 20% to 30% draw odds (for nonresidents and residents, respectively).
* Check out the Unit Profiles to see which archery season.
This year, New Mexico is implementing a new tag system, utilizing a notched tag to be placed on the harvested animal in addition to the printed license. All hunters must be in possession of a hunting license and the proper big game tag while in the field.
Tags will be mailed to all successful draw hunt applicants and are available at all license vendors and NMDGF offices for over-the-counter (OTC) licenses. A tag will be provided at the time an over-the-counter license is purchased.
Telephone or online purchases for javelina and private-land deer, elk, antelope, Barbary sheep and oryx licenses must be made at least 14 days prior to the start of the hunt to allow time to mail the tag(s). Tag(s) will be mailed to the address provided by the customer. Customers may obtain a duplicate tag in person at any license vendor or NMDGF office. If a duplicate tag is obtained, the original tag number will be invalidated, and the license must be reprinted. It is illegal to use an invalidated tag.
Draw applications are due by March 21, 2018 by 5:00 p.m. MST.
You can apply online here.
For those who had New Mexico tags in 2017, late harvest reports must be submitted by March 21, 2018 for you to be eligible for the draw.
84% of draw licenses are awarded to New Mexico residents.
Up to 10% of draw licenses are awarded to residents and nonresidents applying with a New Mexico registered outfitter.
Up to 6% of draw licenses are awarded to nonresidents applying without a New Mexico registered outfitter.
Unit | |
Seasondates | 9/1-9/14 |
Weapontype | Archery |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 65% |
Harvestsuccess | 54% |
Public land% | 39.5% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 9/1-9/14 |
Weapontype | Archery |
Trophypotential | 370"+ |
Drawodds | 31% |
Harvestsuccess | 35% |
Public land% | 96.9% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 11/17-11/21 |
Weapontype | Muzzleloader |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Drawodds | 26% |
Harvestsuccess | 48% |
Public land% | 73.7% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 10/13-10/17 |
Weapontype | Rifle |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 35% |
Harvestsuccess | 52% |
Public land% | 62.1% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 9/1-9/14 |
Weapontype | Archery |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Drawodds | 28% |
Harvestsuccess | 27% |
Public land% | 53.3% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 9/1-9/14 |
Weapontype | Archery |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 33% |
Harvestsuccess | 54% |
Public land% | 39.5% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 10/13-10/17 |
Weapontype | Rifle |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 22% |
Harvestsuccess | 52% |
Public land% | 62.1% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 9/1-9/14 |
Weapontype | Archery |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 23% |
Harvestsuccess | 36% |
Public land% | 77.9% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 10/6-10/10 |
Weapontype | Rifle |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 18% |
Harvestsuccess | 47% |
Public land% | 31.9% |
Unit | |
Seasondates | 9/27-10/4 |
Weapontype | Rifle |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 23% |
Harvestsuccess | 32% |
Public land% | 26.4% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 370"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 14-18: 49%Oct. 21-25: 40% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 370"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 14-18: 57%Oct. 21-25: 36% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 370"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 14-18: NA*Oct. 21-25: NA* |
Bull:cowratio | 42:100 |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 14-18: 38%Oct. 21-25: 10% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 14-18: 43%Oct. 28-Nov. 1: 41% |
Bull:cowratio | 58:100 |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 21-25: 33% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 21-25: 48% |
Bull:cowratio | 49:100 |
Unit | TrophyPotential | Harvestsuccess | Bull:cowratio |
370"+ | Oct. 14-18: 49%Oct. 21-25: 40% | 37:100 | |
370"+ | Oct. 14-18: 57%Oct. 21-25: 36% | 37:100 | |
370"+ | Oct. 14-18: NA*Oct. 21-25: NA* | 42:100 | |
360"+ | Oct. 14-18: 38%Oct. 21-25: 10% | 37:100 | |
360"+ | Oct. 14-18: 43%Oct. 28-Nov. 1: 41% | 58:100 | |
350"+ | Oct. 21-25: 33% | 37:100 | |
350"+ | Oct. 21-25: 48% | 49:100 |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 12% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | Res. only |
Guideddraw odds | 57% |
Harvestsuccess | 90% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 47%45% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 20%NA |
Guideddraw odds | 50%86% |
Harvestsuccess | 75%22% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 28% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 23% |
Guideddraw odds | 67% |
Harvestsuccess | 48% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 60% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 21% |
Guideddraw odds | 100% |
Harvestsuccess | 24% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 22% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 14% |
Guideddraw odds | 100% |
Harvestsuccess | 13% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 28% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 23% |
Guideddraw odds | 100% |
Harvestsuccess | 32% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 28%44% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 16%32% |
Guideddraw odds | 100%100% |
Harvestsuccess | 7%13% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 340"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 59%44% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 18%13% |
Guideddraw odds | 59%57% |
Harvestsuccess | 7%16% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 340"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 43% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 16% |
Guideddraw odds | 57% |
Harvestsuccess | 9% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 49%36% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 35%25% |
Guideddraw odds | 100%68% |
Harvestsuccess | 22%22% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 21% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 23% |
Guideddraw odds | 67% |
Harvestsuccess | 36% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 46% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 14% |
Guideddraw odds | 61% |
Harvestsuccess | 27% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 49%36% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 35%25% |
Guideddraw odds | 100%68% |
Harvestsuccess | 22%22% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 340"+ |
Drawodds | 45% |
Harvestsuccess | 10% |
Public land% | 66.6% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 50% |
Harvestsuccess | 8% |
Public land% | 62% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 35% |
Harvestsuccess | 22% |
Public land% | 89.7% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 35% |
Harvestsuccess | 22% |
Public land% | 65.7% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 35% |
Harvestsuccess | 22% |
Public land% | 84.6% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 50% |
Harvestsuccess | 33% |
Public land% | 16.2% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 64% |
Harvestsuccess | 12% |
Public land% | 67.9% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300% |
Drawodds | 98% |
Harvestsuccess | 6% |
Public land% | 25% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 25% |
Harvestsuccess | 40% |
Public land% | 16.2% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 35%48% |
Harvestsuccess | 25%31% |
Public land% | 81.8% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 33% |
Harvestsuccess | 26% |
Public land% | 63.5% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 32% |
Harvestsuccess | 13% |
Public land% | 74.7% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 54% |
Harvestsuccess | 19% |
Public land% | 67.9% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 30% |
Harvestsuccess | 11% |
Public land% | 47.4% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 58:100 |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Public land% | 53.3% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 49:100 |
Trophypotential | 350"+ |
Public land% | 67.8% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 48:100 |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Public land% | 73.7% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 42:100 |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Public land% | 39.5% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 42:100 |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Public land% | 48.2% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 42:100 |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Public land% | 63.5% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 42:100 |
Trophypotential | 370"+ |
Public land% | 99.9% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 41:100 |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Public land% | 43.7% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 40:100 |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Public land% | 47.4% |
Unit | |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Public land% | 65.7% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 370"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 6-10: 80% |
Bull:cowratio | 42:100 |
Public land% | 99.9% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 13-17: 34%Oct. 20-24: 22%Nov. 17-21: 16% |
Bull:cowratio | 41:100 |
Public land% | 43.7% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 13-17: 26%Oct. 20-24: 23%Nov. 17-21: 48% |
Bull:cowratio | 48:100 |
Public land% | 73.7% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 6-10: 43% |
Bull:cowratio | 58:100 |
Public land% | 53.3% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 13-17: 38%Oct. 20-24: 35%Nov. 17-21: 27% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Public land% | 77.5% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 13-17: 21% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Public land% | 62.9% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Oct. 13-17: 44% |
Bull:cowratio | 49:100 |
Public land% | 67.8% |
Unit | TrophyPotential | Harvestsuccess | Bull:cowratio | Public land% |
370"+ | Oct. 6-10: 80% | 42:100 | 99.9% | |
360"+ | Oct. 13-17: 34%Oct. 20-24: 22%Nov. 17-21: 16% | 41:100 | 43.7% | |
360"+ | Oct. 13-17: 26%Oct. 20-24: 23%Nov. 17-21: 48% | 48:100 | 73.7% | |
360"+ | Oct. 6-10: 43% | 58:100 | 53.3% | |
350"+ | Oct. 13-17: 38%Oct. 20-24: 35%Nov. 17-21: 27% | 37:100 | 77.5% | |
350"+ | Oct. 13-17: 21% | 37:100 | 62.9% | |
350"+ | Oct. 13-17: 44% | 49:100 | 67.8% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 370"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 35%Sept. 15-24: 34% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Public land% | 96.9% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 370"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 35%Sept. 15-24: 42% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Public land% | 88.4% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 370"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 42%Sept. 15-24: 70% |
Bull:cowratio | 42:100 |
Public land% | 99.9% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 17%Sept. 15-24: 17% |
Bull:cowratio | 41:100 |
Public land% | 43.7% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 15%Sept. 15-24: 16% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Public land% | 83.1% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 18%Sept. 15-24: 27% |
Bull:cowratio | 48:100 |
Public land% | 73.7% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 360"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 37%Sept. 15-24: 42% |
Bull:cowratio | 58:100 |
Public land% | 53.3% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 24%Sept. 15-24: 28% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Public land% | 77.5% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 11% Sept. 15-24: 17% |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Public land% | 62.9% |
Unit | |
TrophyPotential | 350"+ |
Harvestsuccess | Sept. 1-14: 26%Sept. 15-24: 43% |
Bull:cowratio | 49:100 |
Public land% | 67.8% |
Unit | TrophyPotential | Harvestsuccess | Bull:cowratio | Public land% |
370"+ | Sept. 1-14: 35%Sept. 15-24: 34% | 37:100 | 96.9% | |
370"+ | Sept. 1-14: 35%Sept. 15-24: 42% | 37:100 | 88.4% | |
370"+ | Sept. 1-14: 42%Sept. 15-24: 70% | 42:100 | 99.9% | |
360"+ | Sept. 1-14: 17%Sept. 15-24: 17% | 41:100 | 43.7% | |
360"+ | Sept. 1-14: 15%Sept. 15-24: 16% | 37:100 | 83.1% | |
360"+ | Sept. 1-14: 18%Sept. 15-24: 27% | 48:100 | 73.7% | |
360"+ | Sept. 1-14: 37%Sept. 15-24: 42% | 58:100 | 53.3% | |
350"+ | Sept. 1-14: 24%Sept. 15-24: 28% | 37:100 | 77.5% | |
350"+ | Sept. 1-14: 11% Sept. 15-24: 17% | 37:100 | 62.9% | |
350"+ | Sept. 1-14: 26%Sept. 15-24: 43% | 49:100 | 67.8% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 64%100%100% |
Harvestsuccess | 10%9%29% |
Public land% | 25% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Drawodds | 54% |
Harvestsuccess | 16% |
Public land% | 43.7% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 50% |
Harvestsuccess | 20% |
Public land% | 63.2% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 54% |
Harvestsuccess | 18% |
Public land% | 62% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 54% |
Harvestsuccess | 10% |
Public land% | 29.1% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 90% |
Harvestsuccess | 55% |
Public land% | 10.6% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 99%51% |
Harvestsuccess | 19%33% |
Public land% | 13% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 350"+ |
Drawodds* | 73% |
Harvestsuccess | 11% |
Public land% | 62.9% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds* | 86% |
Harvestsuccess | 17% |
Public land% | 63.2% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds* | 79% |
Harvestsuccess | 8% |
Public land% | 62% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds* | 96%74% |
Harvestsuccess | 15%9% |
Public land% | 62.1% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds* | 100%87%76% |
Harvestsuccess | 0%40%22% |
Public land% | 13% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds* | 100%99% |
Harvestsuccess | 12%18% |
Public land% | 67.9% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds* | 74% |
Harvestsuccess | 19% |
Public land% | 47.4% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds* | 100%72% |
Harvestsuccess | 0%22% |
Public land% | 10.6% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds* | 97%73% |
Harvestsuccess | 16%20% |
Public land% | 29.1% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds* | 100%100% |
Harvestsuccess | 6%6% |
Public land% | 25% |
Unit | Trophypotential | Drawodds* | Harvestsuccess | Public land% |
350"+ | 73% | 11% | 62.9% | |
330"+ | 86% | 17% | 63.2% | |
330"+ | 79% | 8% | 62% | |
320"+ | 96%74% | 15%9% | 62.1% | |
320"+ | 100%87%76% | 0%40%22% | 13% | |
310"+ | 100%99% | 12%18% | 67.9% | |
310"+ | 74% | 19% | 47.4% | |
310"+ | 100%72% | 0%22% | 10.6% | |
300"+ | 97%73% | 16%20% | 29.1% | |
300"+ | 100%100% | 6%6% | 25% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 340"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 24% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 11% |
Guideddraw odds | 36% |
Harvestsuccess | 16% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 54% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 9% |
Guideddraw odds | 60% |
Harvestsuccess | 18% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 48% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 17% |
Guideddraw odds | 78% |
Harvestsuccess | 19% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 42% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 19% |
Guideddraw odds | 100% |
Harvestsuccess | 44% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Residentdraw odds | 42% |
Nonresidentdraw odds | 19% |
Guideddraw odds | 100% |
Harvestsuccess | 44% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 16% |
Harvestsuccess | 27% |
Public land% | 63.5% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 17% |
Harvestsuccess | 26% |
Public land% | 39.5% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 16%95%100% |
Harvestsuccess | 10%9%29% |
Public land% | 25% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Drawodds | 17% |
Harvestsuccess | 19% |
Public land% | 74.7% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 16% |
Harvestsuccess | 10% |
Public land% | 29.1% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 19% |
Harvestsuccess | 44% |
Public land% | 86.2% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 19% |
Harvestsuccess | 44% |
Public land% | 66.3% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 47%45% |
Harvestsuccess | 75%22% |
Public land% | 16.2% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 300"+ |
Drawodds | 46% |
Harvestsuccess | 31% |
Public land% | 81.8% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 60% |
Harvestsuccess | 24% |
Public land% | 62.1% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 56%90% |
Harvestsuccess | 28%19% |
Public land% | 67.9% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 46% |
Harvestsuccess | 22% |
Public land% | 86.2% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 46% |
Harvestsuccess | 22% |
Public land% | 66.3% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 80% |
Harvestsuccess | 11% |
Public land% | 47.4% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Drawodds | 51%77% |
Harvestsuccess | 19%11% |
Public land% | 10.6% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Drawodds | 79% |
Harvestsuccess | 13% |
Public land% | 13% |
County | Catron |
No. ofentries | 6 |
Units found within county | |
County | Lincoln |
No. ofentries | 6 |
Units found within county | |
County | Colfax |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units found within county | |
County | Cibola |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units found within county | |
County | Los Alamos |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units found within county | |
County | Sandoval |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units found within county |
County | Catron |
No. ofentries | 3 |
Units found within county | |
County | Colfax |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units found within county | |
County | Sierra |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units found within county | |
County | McKinley |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units found within county | |
County | Otero |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units found within county | |
County | Sandoval |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units found within county |