* There is no guarantee that nonresidents will draw all of their allotted tags in the Random Draw, so it is possible that the nonresident 10% cap may not be met in some hunt choices.
Source: United States Drought Monitor
A 390" bull taken by Jeff Cosper and guided by High Point Outfitters — A goHUNT Business Member
2016 bull elk taken with Big Chino Guide Service — A goHUNT Business Member
Arizona archery bull elk taken with Arizona Big Game Hunting — A goHUNT Business Member
David Hanson took this late season bull with Raging Bull Outfitters — A goHUNT Business Member
Travis Miel took this 388 2/8" bull with Arizona Elk Outfitters — a goHUNT Business Member
2016 Arizona antelope taken with Big Chino Guide Service — A goHUNT Business Member
A tall antelope taken in 2016 with Dieringer Outfitters — A goHUNT Business Member
Levi Van Buggenum took this Arizona antelope with High Point Outfitters — A goHUNT Business Member
Arizona is among the best states for offering trophy hunt choices in the West that are were previously almost completely out of reach to nonresident hunters. In fact, 2017 is only the state’s sophomore year of the new draw system changes that were implemented last year. If you are unfamiliar with these changes, take a moment to review the details here so that you can have a good understanding of the updated process.
Now that you are up to speed on the draw system in Arizona, let's talk about Arizona elk and antelope for 2017. Winter kill and wolf predation are never real issues for Arizona big game species. Instead, drought is the primary concern among Arizona big game hunters and, fortunately, the last few years have been relatively wet with mild winters. The timing of moisture is actually more important in the arid Grand Canyon state than the actual amount of annual moisture when antler/horn growth is the topic. Arizona’s elk will experience great antler growth when the spring and early summer moisture is abundant and the growth of nutrient rich forage is optimal. Having adequate nutrition throughout the antler development months typically coincides with a phenomenal trophy elk year. The antelope also do very well when they drop their sheath and have an abundance of moisture to help them through their annual horn development process.
Whether you are hoping to pursue elk, antelope—or both!—Arizona offers some of the best trophy potential in the country.
Note: The application deadline for Arizona elk and antelope is Feb. 14, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. Arizona time and you can apply online here.
Since the change in the draw process last year, nonresidents have never had a better chance to draw some of the nation’s most coveted tags in Arizona.
Every unit in the state that offers an elk season is capable of producing bulls that score over 320”.
The dates for the early archery hunt are a week later than 2016.
Arizona antelope have virtually no hunting pressure thanks to the conservative number of tags issued.
Arizona enjoys the most mild of winters that rarely see winter kills among the big game species. Wolves are also not a concern in Arizona. This translates into healthy herds and more tags.
Arizona has among the highest percentage of public land in the Western states with the largest national forest in the state (Coconino National Forest) being located in the heart of prime elk habitat.
Although antelope opportunity is severely limited, high tag numbers in some units as well as late archery elk seasons give nonresident hunters an excellent chance at drawing a tag.
In December of 2016 we launched Arizona draw odds to INSIDER. This was a huge milestone. We are the only place where you can find accurate draw adds for Arizona after the 2016 draw changes. You'll also be able to see 2015 draw odds that used the old draw system as well as 2016 draw odds that included the recent draw process change.
Using the draw odds detailed pages for Arizona, you’ll quickly be able to see how the draw system change affected hunters with minimal points and for those max point holders. Strategies for 2017 are definitely going to change for people across all point levels. Utilizing this new information for 2017 is going to be a huge game changer.
This program provides hunters with peace of mind in knowing that they can surrender their tag for any reason without losing their coveted bonus points. PointGuard coverage costs $5 per species. PointGuard was not available for the elk and antelope draw last year. This is the first year it is being offered for the elk and antelope draw. See more details here.
Drones are considered aircraft by the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) and it is illegal to use drones in any way to assist in the taking of wildlife. This includes using drones while scouting.
If you're applying online, be sure to keep your credit card payment information current and up-to-date. If your payment is declined at the time of the draw, your application will not be drawn. The AZGFD will no longer call customers to obtain payment on drawn applications where credit cards have failed. Deadline for updating your credit or debit card information online is 11:59 p.m. Arizona time on March 16, 2017.
This unit has the early rifle hunt before the early archery hunt this year.
View important information and an overview of the Arizona’s rules/regulations, the draw system and bonus points, tag and license fees and an interactive boundary line map on our State Profile. You can also view the Arizona Elk Profile and Antelope Profile to access historical and statistical data to help you find trophy units.
As of January 24, 2017, nearly 60% of Arizona is under drought conditions. The southwest and northeast regions continue to struggle from the effects of prolonged drought conditions.
It is vital to understand that with elk and antelope only your first two choices matter. There are normally not any bull elk or antelope tags left after all applications have cleared the Pass 1-2. Although the application has five hunt choices available, it is the first two that matter the most.
Arizona has a bonus point system in place. There are three ways to increase your bonus points:
If you are successful in the draw, then your bonus points will revert back to zero. If you have earned a loyalty and/or hunter education point, then you will keep those indefinitely. If you fail to apply for five consecutive years, then all points will be lost.
Unlike many states, where if you don’t have the points you have no chance of getting a tag, Arizona gives hunters with only a few points a chance. Even if you don’t draw anything this year, you can get a bonus point to increase your chances next year. You can apply for bonus points only in Arizona, but you must buy a $160 nonrefundable hunting license and pay a $15 application fee per species.
With practically zero wolf population and mild winters, elk herds throughout Arizona are routinely in good shape. Additionally, last year offered less opportunity in some of the prime elk units as a result of a reduction in tag allocation. This winter has also been very mild throughout the Southwest. All of this adds up to a healthy elk herd in Arizona. Plus, 14 out of the 40 elk units have the potential to produce 350" plus bulls on an annual basis!
There is a small population of wolves in Arizona. In 1998, 11 captive-reared Mexican wolves were released into the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area (BRWRA) in eastern Arizona. Additional releases have occurred since the initial release. We have covered numerous news articles about the status of wolves in Arizona. At the beginning of 2015, surveys identified at least 109 Mexican wolves in the BRWRA. The number refelcts only those animals that were visually seen. Biologists admit that more wolves exist in Arizona that were not counted.
Use the Detailed Draw Odds view to look at draw trends and see where you can expect to draw in the max points pool and random draw.
Beyond the top shelf units in Arizona are dozens of other units that are easily drawn and still allow a puncher’s chance at taking a mature bull scoring greater than 320”. Utilize our Filtering tools and manipulate the Trophy Potential to display the units that have a legitimate chance at bulls that score 320” or better. Customize your search and click on a specific unit to access the Unit Profile in order to gain the greatest resource available to thoroughly learn a unit. Our Arizona Elk Species Profile is another great way to determine other units of the state to consider. Within the Species Profile you will find a table showing the top Boone and Crockett (B&C) producing units over the years for both typical and nontypical bulls.
Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if any part of the unit is found within the county.
Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if any part of the unit is found within the county.
You have probably noticed that we provide data on bull to cow ratios for each unit in Arizona. Male to female ratios are a critical measuring data tool for wildlife managers and indicate the current status of the herd. A higher bull to cow ratio may indicate that a unit could have a higher availability of mature bulls compared to a unit with a lower bull to cow ratio. This doesn’t always indicate that the bulls will be the highest scoring bulls, but more bulls equates to more bulls to find and harvest. When selecting a unit, or comparing several units, take this into consideration to help your decision. For a complete understanding of male to female ratios, please refer to a recent article covering this in-depth. The best way to find the units with the best bull:cow ratios is to use Filtering 2.0 under Arizona elk. And then sort the results by male:female ratio. You can jump to those results here.
2017 maximum bonus points for elk: 27
For another view of the bonus point breakdown using tables, visit the Arizona elk State Profile. The table view will allow for an easier readout of the higher point totals.
Both residents and nonresidents will have a hard time drawing an elk tag with zero points for any of the weapon choices. Be sure to list what you feel would be a dream hunt for your first choice and what you would consider a great tag for your second choice. In the past, the most sought after tags were gone after the first pass, which covers first and second choices. Now you have a slight chance to pull a tag due to the random part of the draw. It is very difficult to draw a tag in the random draw for elk.
However, also remember that valuable experience is gained by drawing even a less than desireable tag so if you don’t mind drawing one of these, you may not only gain great experience, but also have a chance at some quality bulls if you scout properly.
Resident draw odds for an archery elk tag are between 0.7% to 13% for all available units and they only get worse for muzzleloader and rifle.
Nonresident odds are even worse for all of the seasons and range from 0.01% to 20%. It will be a long waiting game. If you ever want to hunt elk in Arizona, you should start to build points now.
Remember to list premium season dates that coincide with the rut as your first and second choice, followed by the season and weapon choice you would be happy with as your third through fourth choices.
Residents:Once again, drawing a bull elk tag in Arizona is not easy even if you have four years’ worth of bonus points built up.
You should use caution at this point range so you don’t apply for a unit with poor season dates or a hunt that you might not be satisfied with. With four points, you have a reasonable chance to draw early archery hunts in Units 7E, 16A, 17A, 17B, 18B, 19B, 20A and 20C as well as late archery hunts (November hunting dates) in most units.
Realistically, you are going to be waiting quite a few more years to draw one of the premium Arizona elk tags in Units 1, 2B, 2C, 9, 10, 22, 23 and 27. Hunters should study the tag quotas within the unit profiles to determine which units have the most permits. Muzzleloader and late rifle seasons give you the next best odds at a tag with a decent chance at drawing tags in Units 3B and 6A.
Nonresidents:Normally, it will take closer to 10 or more bonus points to draw a bull tag in the Grand Canyon State, but there is always that random chance of pulling an exceptional tag. Apply for your most desired tags in your hunt choices if you are holding out for only the best of the best. If an opportunity is all you seek, apply for the very best rut seasons in first and second choice.
Residents:10 bonus points really give you great odds for a lot of archery options. Almost all of the archery unit groups are in reach with the exception of Units 9 and 23. That may seem like a lot of units that are still out of reach, but, of those units just mentioned, the draw odds range is just under 10% to 32%. It should only take a few more years for a lot of those units and you could be elk hunting. If you want to use your points now, go to the Draw Odds Details Page, select Arizona, your residency, click on elk, enter 10 points and adjust the minimum draw odds percent to around 50%. Then take a closer look at the unit to see if it meets your criteria. If not, continue to pick your dream hunts and hope you are lucky this year.
A lot of muzzleloader options are also available if you have 10 bonus points. Top units like 1, 2B, 2C, 3B, 8, and 21 will still be tough to draw.
Early rifle tags are still going to be hard to come by with the best chance of draw with 10 points only being 9.6% in Unit 24. You may want to continue trying try draw your dream hunt because you have already waited so long to draw and drawing a less desireable hunt at this stage in the game would be detrimental to your chances of ever going on your dream hunt.
Late rifle tags overall are going to be a little easier to draw. Some giants bulls have been shot on the late hunt during the past few years. Units within reach on the late hunt are 1, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3C, 8, 23, and 27.
Nonresidents:The limited tag quota for nonresidents among the premium units and seasons creates a lot of competition for tags. However, with Arizona’s draw system, hunters with 10 or more points certainly have a chance (and there is always the random part of the draw). Archery hunters have a greater chance on average of drawing than someone wanting to hunt during the rut with a firearm or muzzleloader. The best chance bowhunters have at drawing a tag is Units 4A, 4B, 5A, 5BN, 5BS, and 6A with 10 points. The majority of muzzleloader and early rifle seasons have draw odds hovering around less than 1% to 10%. That late hunt in Units 1, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3C, 6A, 9, 10, and 22 are really your only real chance at drawing a coveted late rifle tag. The accumulation of more bonus points will be greatly beneficial.
Once you have this many points, it could be a very short wait until you draw the tag you've been waiting for.
To put things in perspective:
Antelope tags are not easy to draw by any stretch of the imagination; however, if you draw a tag in the Grand Canyon State, you are in for a chance to harvest as big a buck as anywhere in North America. That is because 12 out of the 42 antelope units have the potential to produce 80" plus antelope on an annual basis!
Antelope in Arizona, like the other species found within the state, are doing very well thanks to mild winters and good moisture in recent years. Predation is never an issue and the state manages their herds very conservatively by allocating very few tags in the draw. This conservative management along with superior genetics and habitat creates the trophy quality that Arizona is known for. Arizona is a great destination for bucks scoring 80” or more.
Use the Detailed Draw Odds view to look at draw trends and see where you can expect to draw in the max points pool and random draw.
In Arizona, draw odds are going to be very slim. Look to the archery choices for a chance at an increased opportunity. With the new changes to the Arizona nonresident allocation, focus on hunt choices that offer higher tag allocations. This will leave more available for the random draw. Utilize our Filtering 2.0 tools and manipulate the Trophy Potential to display the units that have a legitimate chance at a trophy potential that is under the top tier. Our Arizona Antelope Species Profile is another great way to determine other units of the state to consider. Within the Species Profile you will find a table showing the top B&C producing units over the years.
Units listed below may not have a current hunt for this species. Units in this table are included if any part of the unit is found within the county.
Just as with antelope ratios listed above, higher buck to doe ratio could indicate that a unit could have a higher availability of mature bucks compared to a unit with a lower buck to doe ratio. This doesn’t always indicate that the bucks will be the highest scoring bucks, but more bucks equates to more bucks to find and harvest. When selecting a unit, or comparing several units, take this into consideration to help your decision. Finding the units with the best ratios can be done on Filtering 2.0 by selecting Arizona, antelope, then in the results section you'll sort by male:female ratio. You can find the direct link to that filter option here.
2017 maximum bonus points for antelope: 27
For another view of the bonus point breakdown using tables, visit the Arizona antelope State Profile. The table view will allow for an easier readout of the higher point totals.
Residents:If you are just starting to apply for antelope in Arizona, then you should prepare yourself for a potential “long haul.” While there are more resident tags available, the odds are still very, very low. Additionally, the majority of bonus pass tags have gone to residents in recent years due to the number of residents with high bonus points. While it is possible to draw a tag with no points, you should be prepared to build up your points.
Nonresidents:The overall odds of drawing a nonresident tag are significantly less than 1%. Your best strategy? Apply for a dream hunt first choice. Your second choice should be one with the highest number of total tags to allow for a greater chance at drawing during the random pass.
If you're a bowhunter, then your odds will be a little better, but still a long shot.
Remember to list premium season dates that coincide with the rut as your first and second choice, followed by season and weapon choices you would be happy with as your third through fourth choice.
Residents:Once again, drawing an antelope tag in Arizona is not easy even if you have four years’ worth of bonus points built up.
Archery tags offer the highest odds for resident hunters, but with the highest odds being 13%, the odds are still not high by any stretch of the imagination. If you are itching to go hunting and want the best chance to draw a tag, Units 3A, 3B, 4A, and 6B offer the best chances to draw an archery tag. Rifle and muzzleloader odds are all <1% though.
Nonresidents:At this stage, just put in for your dream hunt and take the bonus point if you don’t draw. The highest odds for any hunt are under 5% with 95% of the hunts being 1% odds.
Residents:Archery remains the best option for draw odds with Units 1, 3A, 3B, 4B, and 10 offering the best chance of drawing. If you prefer rifle or muzzleloader, odds drop below 5% across the entire state.
Nonresidents:Archery remains the best option for draw odds with Units 3A, 4B, and 6B offering the best chance of drawing if you are not willing to wait a few more years. If you are willing to wait if you can’t draw the tag you really want, put in for only your top choices and keep waiting if you don’t draw.
Once you have this many points, it might seem like you have arrived, but that is not a guarantee since quite a few people have over 15 points. However, your chances of drawing the tag you have been waiting for go up significantly at this point.
Residents:Units 1, 3A and 19A for archery are almost guaranteed draws at this point with Units 7E, 7W, and 9 coming close as well. Rifle and muzzleloader hunts are still tough to touch with Units 2B, 13A, and 13B offering the best chance at between 5-10%.
Nonresidents:The saga of low odds continues at this point, but the archery hunt in Unit 10 offers a nearly guaranteed draw. All other hunts in all seasons are well below 10% odds.
For anyone with over 20 points, Keep applying for your dream hunts. You have waited this long. Keep your eyes on the hunt you have been waiting for and soon enough, you will draw it.
Deadline to apply is Feb. 14, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. MST.
You can apply online or with a paper application.
If you apply on paper, then Arizona must receive your application by the deadline.
Permits and refunds will be mailed out by April 15, 2017.
Payment must be by Visa or Mastercard for online applications.
Paper applications can pay with a personal check, cashier’s check, money order, or certified check (no cash).
Up to 10% of the available tags for any hunt code can be awarded to nonresidents.
If you are unsuccessful in the draw, then you will be awarded a bonus point for that species.
Arizona Big Game Super Raffle drawing will be held July 20, 2017. More information can be found here.
Earn a bonus point each time you are unsuccessful in the draw (one point per year).
Apply for “bonus points only” to gain a bonus point in the event that you do not want to risk drawing a tag until you have a higher number of points.
You can also travel to Arizona and take a hunter education course and earn a permanent bonus point.
There are only 895 residents and 1,132 nonresidents with 15 or more bonus points.
There are only 119 residents and 102 nonresidents with 20 or more bonus points.
County | Coconino |
No. ofentries | 26 |
Units foundwithin county | 3C / 4A / 4B / 5A / 5BN / 5BS / 6A / 6B / 7E / 7W / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11M / 12AE / 12AW / 12B |
County | Yavapai |
No. ofentries | 9 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Navajo |
No. ofentries | 7 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Apache |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Mohave |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units foundwithin county |
Unit | |
Season | LateArchery |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 35:100 |
Harvestsuccess | 15% |
Pointsrequired | 0 |
Unit | |
Season | LateArchery |
Trophypotential | 310"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 35:100 |
Harvestsuccess | 28% |
Pointsrequired | 0 |
Unit | |
Season | Muzzleloader |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 43:100 |
Harvestsuccess | 33% |
Pointsrequired | 5 |
Unit | |
Season | LateArchery |
Trophypotential | 320"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 24:100 |
Harvestsuccess | 0% |
Pointsrequired | 0 |
Unit | |
Season | Late Rifle |
Trophypotential | 330"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 63:100 |
Harvestsuccess | 27% |
Pointsrequired | 5 |
Unit | |
Season | LateRifle |
Trophypotential | 280 - 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | NA |
Harvestsuccess | 44% |
Pointsrequired | 4 |
Unit | |
Season | LateRifle |
Trophypotential | 300 - 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 11:100 -50:100 |
Harvestsuccess | 41 -49% |
Pointsrequired | 5 |
Unit | Season | Trophypotential | Bull:cowratio | Harvestsuccess | Pointsrequired |
LateArchery | 310"+ | 35:100 | 15% | 0 | |
LateArchery | 310"+ | 35:100 | 28% | 0 | |
Muzzleloader | 330"+ | 43:100 | 33% | 5 | |
LateArchery | 320"+ | 24:100 | 0% | 0 | |
Late Rifle | 330"+ | 63:100 | 27% | 5 | |
LateRifle | 280 - 360"+ | NA | 44% | 4 | |
LateRifle | 300 - 360"+ | 11:100 -50:100 | 41 -49% | 5 |
County | Coconino |
No. ofentries | 4 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Gila |
No. ofentries | 3 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Apache |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Graham |
No. ofentries | 2 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Greenlee |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Mohave |
No. ofentries | 1 |
Units foundwithin county |
County | Gila |
No. ofentries | 8 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Coconino |
No. ofentries | 7 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Apache |
No. ofentries | 4 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Yavapai |
No. ofentries | 4 |
Units foundwithin county | |
County | Mohave |
No. ofentries | 3 |
Units foundwithin county |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 380"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 83:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery : 77%Muzzleloader: 64%Late archery: 35%Late rifle: 30% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 380"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 27:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery N: 87%Early archery S: 79%Early rifle N: 80%Early rifle S: 100%Late archery: 19%Late rifle: 63% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 370"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 33:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 36%Early rifle: 93%Late archery: 18%Late rifle: 70% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 350"+ |
Bull:cowratio | NA |
Harvest % | Early rifle: 93%Early archery: 36%Late archery: 18%Late rifle: 70% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 350"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 37:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 30% Late archery: 33%Late rifle: 36% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 36:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 32%Early rifle: 73%Muzzleloader: 34%Late archery: 9%Late rifle: 38% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 46:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 32%Muzzleloader: 60%Late archery: 44%Late rifle: 61% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 25:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 53%Early rifle: 96%Late archery: 20%Late rifle: 42% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 25:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 53%Early rifle: 96%Late archery: 20%Late rifle: 42% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 350"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 57:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 31%Late archery: 29%Late rifle: 41% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 350"+ |
Bull:cowratio | NA |
Harvest % | Early archery: 28%Early rifle: 65%Late rifle: 44% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 350"+ |
Bull:cowratio | NA |
Harvest % | Early archery: 31%Early rifle: 85%Late rifle: 49% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | NA |
Harvest % | Early archery: 28%Late rifle: 44% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 360"+ |
Bull:cowratio | 11:100 |
Harvest % | Early archery: 31%Early rifle: 85%Late rifle: 49% |
Unit | Trophypotential | Bull:cowratio | Harvest % |
380"+ | 83:100 | Early archery : 77%Muzzleloader: 64%Late archery: 35%Late rifle: 30% | |
380"+ | 27:100 | Early archery N: 87%Early archery S: 79%Early rifle N: 80%Early rifle S: 100%Late archery: 19%Late rifle: 63% | |
370"+ | 33:100 | Early archery: 36%Early rifle: 93%Late archery: 18%Late rifle: 70% | |
350"+ | NA | Early rifle: 93%Early archery: 36%Late archery: 18%Late rifle: 70% | |
350"+ | 37:100 | Early archery: 30% Late archery: 33%Late rifle: 36% | |
360"+ | 36:100 | Early archery: 32%Early rifle: 73%Muzzleloader: 34%Late archery: 9%Late rifle: 38% | |
360"+ | 46:100 | Early archery: 32%Muzzleloader: 60%Late archery: 44%Late rifle: 61% | |
360"+ | 25:100 | Early archery: 53%Early rifle: 96%Late archery: 20%Late rifle: 42% | |
360"+ | 25:100 | Early archery: 53%Early rifle: 96%Late archery: 20%Late rifle: 42% | |
350"+ | 57:100 | Early archery: 31%Late archery: 29%Late rifle: 41% | |
350"+ | NA | Early archery: 28%Early rifle: 65%Late rifle: 44% | |
350"+ | NA | Early archery: 31%Early rifle: 85%Late rifle: 49% | |
360"+ | NA | Early archery: 28%Late rifle: 44% | |
360"+ | 11:100 | Early archery: 31%Early rifle: 85%Late rifle: 49% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 46:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 29%Rifle: 96% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 10:100 |
Harvest % | Rifle: 100% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 32:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 100%Muzzleloader: 100%Rifle: 100% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 29:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 100%Rifle: 62% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 28:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 70%Archery: 88%Muzzleloader 90%Rifle: 80% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 47:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 60%Archery: 60%Muzzleloader: 100%Rifle: 0% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 33:100 |
Harvest % | Rifle: 100% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 19:100 |
Harvest % | Muzzleloader: 100% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 46:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 0%Rifle: 80% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 21:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 0%Rifle: 100% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 36:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 44%Rifle: 89% |
Unit | |
Trophypotential | 80"+ |
Buck:doeratio | 28:100 |
Harvest % | Archery: 100%78% |
Unit | Trophypotential | Buck:doeratio | Harvest % |
80"+ | 46:100 | Archery: 29%Rifle: 96% | |
80"+ | 10:100 | Rifle: 100% | |
80"+ | 32:100 | Archery: 100%Muzzleloader: 100%Rifle: 100% | |
80"+ | 29:100 | Archery: 100%Rifle: 62% | |
80"+ | 28:100 | Archery: 70%Archery: 88%Muzzleloader 90%Rifle: 80% | |
80"+ | 47:100 | Archery: 60%Archery: 60%Muzzleloader: 100%Rifle: 0% | |
80"+ | 33:100 | Rifle: 100% | |
80"+ | 19:100 | Muzzleloader: 100% | |
80"+ | 46:100 | Archery: 0%Rifle: 80% | |
80"+ | 21:100 | Archery: 0%Rifle: 100% | |
80"+ | 36:100 | Archery: 44%Rifle: 89% | |
80"+ | 28:100 | Archery: 100%78% |